I've had an ace wee while recently. I've got exciting plans and i did exciting things (well, for me, anyway).
so, most recent back, then forward:
today, i had a nav's prayer meeting at a very early time of the morning, which was good. then drama, which was fun, then i slept for about an hour and then went to comminuty studies. after that i went to Jules flat, and we had an ace evening. we cooked the best mince and potatoes and had a really good laugh, made a totally fabby powerpoint presentation which actually makes us roar with laughter every time. its hilarious. so that lasted from around 4.30 til 11.30. it was good. i now have the "jules mix" on my ipod from her ipod selection on her computer. its very nice.
so, yesterday, i had art, which was fun, then i made chocolate crispies cakes cos i was going to a navs sleepover at Nomy's... had a fairly productive afternoon doing not very much, but it was good. went to Nomy's and had great fun. gave the girls their cards, which went down well. didn't sleep enough.
day before- tuesday- i had no class, so i did quite alot of work on various things, which i was quite impressed about and then i sat and chatted to catherine for an hour or so, had christmas dinner in the refectory- nice! and then went to navs, which was lovely.. so nice to talk to folk and share in bible study.. we were talking about love (1 Peter 3.8-4.19, in case you were wondering) and suffering. anyway, when i got home, i decided i wanted to make my girls little cards with a wee message and a verse inside, so i made six little "friends" cards. this was at midnight, 1am... it was good.
Monday, i had class then i watched the videos from our music workshops. on the way out, i chatted to calum for a bit, which was nice and we both recieved the same text at about the same time, from bob telling us that he'd had a great day learning to drive a forklift truck... which is pretty cool. erm.. then i went to CU and did the tea and coffee with kirsten, and also brought in our home bakes- marzipan balls (v v v v good!) and mars bar crispie cakes- which went down a storm. it was a good evening. I spent a fair amount just me, which i enjoyed. about 11, i got a chap on my door telling me to put a boot outside it cos kendra had ordered it (tuesday was the 6th, st nicks day, when germans get a st nick present in a boot) so i did.. when i ventured to the bathroom later, i found a card and a bag of sweets, so i thought i would return the favour- therefore kendra got two mars bars anda card in one of my boots.. i think she appreciated it, i got a letter the next day.
Sunday, i went to vineyard for church, which i really enjoy, so that was cool. saw jim and jo, but not much chance to chat cos i was getting back so that kirsten and i could bake for CU which we did, amidst much hilarity. it was great. in the evening i went to go and see bob in glengarry glen ross, but it was all sold out, so i saw bondagers, but we met up afterwards and i met his girlfriend, treena, who seems nice.. so we all traipsed off to a totally random aftershow party at some girls flat. i met three new girls, all lovely, ailsa and two others who i can't quite remember. bob and i left anout 11.15, me to get a bus, him to go home to bed, but it was nice cos we got a wee chat and i'd not spoken to him in ages. so that was really cool.
Saturday, I was working, 3.30 onwards. the afternoon show was fine, although frank sinatra (rat pack was on) got ill during the show so they cut the second act and eventually pulled the evening show.. telling 1500 people that its off isn't exactly fun, but hey. we got off at 8.30 and got paid a full call.. :> :>
ok, so my plans for the future.. well, tomorrow (friday) i've got a few meetings with various class groups, which should be fine.. then i think i'm going to a music thing on campus, so that should be fun.. free wine.
Saturday, I'm looking forward to, cos i'm going into town, then i'm going to falkirk for the afternoon/evening, to see Pete and Iain.. YAY!! I'm excited. dunno what we'll do, but hey. thats part of the fun.
Sunday.. i guess I'm going to church and.. who knows? a week on sunday, it should be a nativity thing and the kids learnt a rap thing, its gonna be ace.
Monday.. nothing very exciting planned- an evening of christmas fun at CU.. should be good.
tuesday. navs has a panto on.. exciting!, no, really, i'm excited, :)
anyway, i'm gonna head to bed.. lovely chatting to you... xx (no, i haven't confused this with msn.)