Saturday, February 02, 2008


i did it.

yup, i was suckered in to getting a wordpress blog... so you'll find me here

bye bye blogger.. :(

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

last post in january

how exciting!

i feel like i should lots to say but then i've spent a whole day talking asnd am going to spend the whole night doing the same.. so... yeah.

not much to say really..


Wednesday, January 16, 2008


writing reading

ijust wish my essay were written.
its mostly there. just needs a couple hundred words morebut i am tired.

and slightly addicted to scrabulous. though usually i suck at scrabble.. hmm

gah!! write it for me someone!!!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

God is breaking my heart


i cry at everything.

its not cool.

(but, God, if this is all part of something, fine, but can i know what???)


water lillies (don't know who wrote it)

Late summer: the white
flowers are blown,
but the furled leaf cones

persist in rising
through the peat-stained
lochan's shallows

till they reach the open
border where water
becomes air, and there

unfold: pale green
almost heart shapes
almost upturned hands

Friday, January 11, 2008

2007:a year in review

well, now, thats a mighty formal title for a post thats really just a bit of a ramble about the past year.. i think this is becoming a bit of a habit...

so, last year.

january: uhm.. i took on a position on jordanhill cu committee.. i started placement with giant, all those jolly japes. less fun, bobs dad passed and i went to his funeral.

february: hmm.. i wish i had last years diary here to remind me wgat all happened, sadly its at home in newport. uhm, just more placement i think.. had some really good times at housegroup...

march: mums birthday, easter holidays? camp? planning for cu.. leaders weekend??
started reading the bible along that read it in a year type style... didn't last all that long. started looking for a new flat.. not particularly fun, but hey ho. it happened.

april: spring harvest!!! amazing!! er.. easter hols and camp were april not march.. oh well.. good chats with people, starting planning freshers week and mentalness like that..

may: uhm... lots of assignments, finalising the flat business, uhrm... art in the environment, flat cooling party (bizarrely early, but kendra was off to other countries.. ah, bless)

june: still doing the chapter a day thing.. though may have missed some out.. oops..
went to the states to pick up megs from school and for a holiday.. good fun all round. lots of bridge was played.. :)

july: moved out of kersland hmmm.. where to start, a mammoth run of camps and weddings.. so, creative arts then urban back to back, two weddings, with a week in between to rest, then watersports... another wedding and a yard sale. all go.

august: moved into the new flat, travelled between fife and glasgow a fair bit... worked..

september:read habakkuk 3.17-19 again. love that passage. just enjoyed being in glasgow, prepared for freshers week, got ready for class, worked, met people for coffee... all that fun stuff.. :)

october: another slightly mental month- freshers week, a haloween party, uni work, work work, catching up with folk properly.. jhcu beginning the process of thinking about merging with strath earlier rather than later.. stress..

november: eventually decided to join strath at christmas... eek! i got the YES!!! feeling about where i was in life, with God etc, realised that i'd made an extra really good friend or two in the past couple of months.. and i quote "ah, God is good. good friends & good scripture- thats all you need. Praise the Lord." so i was in a good place... placement started, with all the mentalness of that, we started talking as a big huge comittee about who should be on next years joint committee...

december: i was uber excited about christmas!! saw bob and marie (his wife!! how exciting!) for mulled wne and mince pies along with the rest of the dogs.. met up with more friends, enjoyed making all my christmas gifts this year.. i like the feeling of knowing that you've made something that someone is going to really enjoy.. i also enjoyed not being stressed since i was giving a secret santa and gifts to my family... ha! no stress for suzi! woohoo.

and then it was christmas and now its january.
and i'm not sure where i'mstarting the year from, but hopefully God'll clear all that up for me and i'll get to go away on mission in the summer and will pass third year and get to start final year in october, and will be able to be really effective in serving the cu in whatever capacity... hmmm.. so lots to think about for this year...

like emmsy said: live simply. love extravagantly. pursue jesus.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


I don't know if you want me, but I'll be here anyway
I've got a smile to give you, and I'm not leaving till you smile back at me
Frown all you want to, the tears are running down your face,
But I can assure you, I'm not leaving till you're smiling back at me

(the gentlemen, i'm not leaving)

Sunday, January 06, 2008

now i believe in something

i'm turning into an emotional wreck... last night i was crying my eyes out at the end of "the book thief" ( i won't ruin the ending, suffice it to say that it is sad!) and then earlier tonight i was in a state over RENT... its not fun.
well, it kinda is. but not really.
ah shut up.

anyhoo, so there are a few things on my mind- a descision to make, an essay that MUST be finished tomorrow.. along with pictures (er... of what? i have no photos.. no ideas... oh! i know, first year placement photos, they'll do.. ha! one good thing has come of my late night.. yippee!) and then all thee rest of them to do after that.. i need to get my hair cut.. my dad might be bringing me big speakers for the old ipod- cos they are a bit faulty and the company sent him new ones and as far as we know they don't want them back.. i tidied my room tonight.. its looking pretty good.. i even sorted out my cupboard, tidied up my clothes- of which i probably have too many..

oh yeah, a couple extra "resolutions":

*to learn how to do more things with the sewing machine

*make a pair of trousers

*have less stuff- or at least be less attached to what i have. here todaygone tomrrow.

i need to hoover my room.. but thats ok, i can do that tomorrow when i'm ignoring the essay that MUST be written.

the first distraction of the day.. church :) not a distraction as such, but time i am taking off to do something good with. but then its straight home and to work for me.. ahhhh.. how i love that word. not.

go to sleep!!

night night.

may your year be blessed, all you say and all you do.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

merry new year

yo ho ho

well, a brand new blank canvas year.. lots of work to do, but hey ho. thats ok. i'll get through it.

sad that i'm sitting at the start of the new year watching bb. gah.

but the stuff this art student is doing... oh goodness. i want to slap everyone with a big community arts pamphlet and get them to sort out their priorities... gah.

i'll stop now. go and do something useful... :)

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

happy new year

well, folks its that time again. the beginning of another new year.
and here are a few "resolutions"

*watch less tv

*spend more time with people

*watch requeim for a dream

*drink more tea

*cook more

*have more people over for dinner

*do my coursework as i get it, rather than leaving it and leaving it.. not fun.

*be more deliberate in my bible study, make time for it.

*pray more

*make more things- sewing, knitting...

*ask for prayer more

*get up earlier

*be happy with myself as i am

*enjoy the year as it happens

*be open to experiences, opportunities, the world...

*converse more

*laugh more, loudly, quietly, all the time.

*learn to crochet...