if you type Siouxsie into google, it gives you about 15 pages before you get to this site, or if you do Siouxsie stick boy and match girl in love it gives yu this.. but my real name gives me nothing.. which is sad...
living life in my own special little way
if you type Siouxsie into google, it gives you about 15 pages before you get to this site, or if you do Siouxsie stick boy and match girl in love it gives yu this.. but my real name gives me nothing.. which is sad...
Type in my real name and you get 51,500 links, and not one flipping thing belongs to me (there might be, but I can't be arsed checking). Apparantly there was some guy with my name that is relitively famous. I think he played football.
Siouxie what are you talking about, if I type in your full name then I get you coming up 3rd on google
wheras if I type in my full name I'm not til near the bottom of the 3rd page =/
although if you type in "Zed0" I come up 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 8th and 10th
Cos when i tried it with susanne sherriffs it gave me a load of family tree things... hmm, guess i never ventured very far ...
Ah, I didn't use Susanne just Suzi
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