Tuesday, October 19, 2004

woop de doo da

Ach. I came home.
I didn't want to come home.
No offense to you guys, but I totally love my new American friends.
Why couldn't we have stayed until the end of the holidays?? I miss my american family...
Ok, sorry, now I feel bad for not caring enough about all my great scottish friends. I love you guys too!

Hmmm. well, I could go and tell you all what we did in our ten days, but that might take forever. aw, heck. who cares?

Ok, so Friday night- we arrived at Columbus airport at 7.15 (12.15 our time) and then met our new family. We all (eventually) came back to my (by my, I mean Katie Riley, my Host) house. We began watching Zoolander. I don't really think I paid attention to anything that night.. Anyway, at 10.30 we decided Ice-Cream would be good, so off we toddled for Ice-cream. Then we thought abouut playng Tig at Katies Old House. We went there and did nothing basically. But it was good.

Saturday- slept, shopped (some people went to the OSU game... the Buckeyes (OSU) lost :( *boo hoo*) and then had a thanksgiving dinner. Katie, Karen, Lisa and I all dressed up, it was so much fun. Went to Jordans house afterwards.. Didn't go to a haunted hoochie (haunted house) though we wanted to.. went home about 10ish.

Sunday- Cedar Point! So much fun, one of my all time favourite theme parks, they had rockin rides!! we were all very very tired after that so we basically went home and slept.

Monday- School, I had stuff like study etc.. I don't really remember. Oh, but we went to Chipotle (say Chi-po-le but its quite a hard sound on the "le") for lunch.. it was so good. its a Mexican grill, we had burritos and stuff.. mmmmmmm. And then we had a field trip in French, so we went to the french restuarant (la Chaintaile or something..) and had dessert. mm.

ok I really can't be bothered writing much more right now, but if I can work out how you do this, i will try to put up a picture of the whole group, from the cd Jordan gave us. (He is such a sweetie.)
Everyone at Cedar Point.

YES! It worked!!!! I'm not entirely sure how you do the writing first and the picture after, cos I had to do a wee copy paste thing, but never mind...


suz said...

Ok, sorry you can't really see anyone very well, but just if you were wondering, my exchange partner is the one lying on the ground. ugh, such an exhibtionist...

Gordon Strachan said...

Dude, your back! Groovy! Happy days!