Tuesday, November 30, 2004

ooooh lord- the music, make it stop.

Damn buggery blogger isn't working.....

I'm really bored and I had a sudden impulse to write something, anything.. whatever.. I'm going to go and write more for the story I wrote in creative writing last week, I'll (as Mrs Harvie told me to) develop the script. So far, running around in my head, I have.. "The funeral was... well, a funeral. Neither nice nor nasty. It was, by some standards, better than others. However that mattered not to her, she had no standard by which to compare it." Ok I made most of that up right now, I only really had the first senence. In a few forms...

Oooooooh, my back is kinda sore. And Sam (a friend of mine whom I don't think I've mentioned on here before) has sent me the same email twice... About free I-pods.. but you have to be "US Residents Only. Must be 18 years of age or older. "

Ha, what a laugh.

Right I'm bored now.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

tra la la

well good day mon petit poi

soooooooooooooo how ya all doing??
I wrote a kinda depressing story today.. almost a biographical story.. but not.
when i get it back from mrs Baughan etc I will post it duly.

tra la la.

aaaaaw, I miss my american. sooooooo much. its really quite sad.

i've noticed in myself that i've changed slightly. Now I know what your going to say- everyone changes, blah blah blahdy blah, but I don't think this is a hormonal thing or whatever. I've noticed myself become more introspective and melancholy.. sometimes. Usually when I've had some to drink or haven't had enough sleep, but I do it. I don't know why.

hmmm. not sure why I just wrote that.

ooooomg. I got an email from Gareth (close readers [or those canny with a archive list] will remember him) the other day. Totally out of the blue and totally one I never expected. It wasn't even a good email. It was some crap chain-mail type grotesquery. Maybe he clicked on my name in his address book by mistake, or maybe he didn't. It freaked me out a bit though.. But I did expect, if he were to everget back in touch, a proper email. At the least. Hopefully not a declaration of love (boy are Those scary) but just a friendly email. hmm, obviously not. But now I'm wondering- maybe I should send him a wee email, just to say Hi, how ya getting on, are you going back to university (thats a question that does really intrigue me...). But then again, maybe thats a bad idea.

I just don't know.

So, since I know nothing, I'm going to go back to drawing dresses and unloading the dishwasher. yes- at the same time. I'm a woman, I can multitask.

ooooooo the jokes about woman drivers.. some are funny.
Jonny's one cracked up my friend Gillian. woman are betterdrivers because they aren't in accidents- they just cause them.
ok not so funny written down. she was in hysterics.

Anyway. I really will leave now..

Tuesday, November 23, 2004


Guess what.. I made another blog!!!! *huge intake of breath*
no, I'm not abandoning this one, I've just decided to get an outlet for any creative stuff I do. I had a fiction press one.. now its all going onto Jimmy the hideous penguin boy.
enjoy- if you want to.

Monday, November 22, 2004


I'm not feeling like writing all that much. well, I am, but I can't think of anything to say. So, I thought I'd share some of my *wonderful* poetry.

Bobbing for Apples
The path is dark,
the door creaks open and you are confronted with
bob, bob, bobbing in water.
green, red
stop, go
go for an apple
stop before you get wet
someone won,
biting into sweet flesh,
cold juice runs down her chin.
Yeah.. ok, so its not the greatest poem ever.. but I rock at doing presentations!
Hmm, I have one other poem.. but no one ever really seems to get it.
I was going to ramble on here for a while. I need a subject. I've opened like five windows in messenger, but no-one is really speaking to me- Adam is blatantly ignoring me, John isn't paying attention, Jak didn't speak after I'd asked my question (ie are you doing Secret santa?) and Chris just.. stopped talking. I feel so unloved. Also rather frantic (but ignoring it all) because I have (wow, Johns speaking) (we are back to doing our whole :) :) :) thing. we take it turn about.. its a rather odd one. And he said hes boycotting it (Ie, MSN)- so I'll have no one to talk to........ :( *sniff*) an assesment tomorrow and a hard passage of Artaud to read as well as an essay or two due for wednesday.. I'm soo screwed.
tarrumbdedum. oh my giddy aunt. well, I've now got (well, I'll have it next week) my red cross first aid certificate. wow, I have quite alot of random medically things.. none of which have much/any relevance to my real life.. oh well.
ok, I'm off now..
night all.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Buddhism.. my re-considered opinion.

Ok.. So I used to think Buddhism completely sucked- I don't know why, they seemed like nice people (probably) but their religio seemed to me to be far too "nothing-y". And I mean that literally...
Anyway, Having just spent 35 hours with the monks and nuns and lay people who live and work in Samye Ling, I have a new found respect for them. They have strong beliefs and a strong moral code and they totally don't pressurise you in any way. Its a fantastic environment. And they teach you to meditate. Well Gungdan (I think thats how you spell it.. I really have no idea) (ask Keir.. I'm sure he'll remember how to actually pronunciate it properly too..) taught us to meditate. It was soo cool..

Anyway. So, don't go worrying that I've changed my religion (I haven't) because in a funny way, being there amongst all the hard work and charity and love that went into building the temple and goes into runnng the place, as we were meditating, I was realising why I love being a Christian. I will definitly be meditating more often, it does wonders for your sense of well being, as well as focusing your mind.

Soooo... I totally recommend going to Samye Ling, even just for a weekend, to soak up the atmosphere, wander the gardens, appeciate the temple because it is a marvellous place- even if you don't believe in the religion.

But- make sure you leave time to shower and have lots of warm clothes if its winter etc.. it gets cold, and we (probably) got smelly. not too badly though..

so, I now think that Buddhists rock- they have a great respect for life and although I don't agree with all their teachings, I like their style.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

look, another quizy thing..

this one will really intrigue me... i want to know yours answers.. do it for me and for each other (if you can be bothered.. ) again, i nicked this off someone else..

1.Has being friends with me changed your life? If so how and is it for the better or for the worst?
2. What animal would you compare me to?
3. What social group would you put me in?
4. What's your first memory of me?
5. Why do you think we're friends?
6. What's your favorite part about me?
7. Have you ever had a dream with me in it? if yes, do tell.
8. How long have we known each other?
9. What do you think i'll be like in 5 years? Will we still be friends?
10. Is there a song that reminds you of me? If yes, what is it?

i'm feeling really unorigina tonight- which is why im just posting this stuff...

bam bam bada ba bam

I'm not sure what that was all about.

my feet ache.. :(

Second day of work ever today.. Superdrug is good, its kinda fun.. I've just had my hours increased though.. now working from 9-6. not 10-6. grrr.

oh well. I had a good lunch, Jen came to see me, hurrah! I wasn't just on my own.. Thats a point, if you're in town around 12-1 i'll be on my lunch break so come see me.. text me if im not on the counter. or at 4. i have a break (15 mins) around then..

I'm tired, I can't be bothered writing coherently.
at all.
so bye.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

ho hum

Ok, well, since I haven't really written a post here in a while, well not a good one, I thought I'd write something...
hey hey, guess what? I got a letter in the post today.. From my friend Andrew (if anyone wonders.. this is the guy from the first verse of my crappy little poem...) who is at university just now. It was great to hear from him (wait, I need a jumper. I'm freezing.) (ok warm now) cos I haven't spoken to him since.. That Glasgow uni open day.. We met on the street. Anyway, he's well, and he had a fancy dress flat warming.. He and Johnny were bill and Ben.. Classic. That cracked me up.

ho hum. Well, UCAS is done and dusted, hurrah. Even my RSAMD application is in the trustworthy (*ahem*) hands of the school.. My uni's of choice are: RSAMD, QMUC, Strathclyde and Glasgow. Although, of all, not Glasgow. It's my last choice.. cos the course isn't that good.. But oh well

mmmmm. Just ate one of the nicest things.. It's a tescos "free from" chocolate, fruit and nut crispy bar.. It was nice... crispy and chewy and scrummy..
ah, crap, I totally forgot, I have a driving lesson tomorrow after school.. Before I go up for the BONFIRE at Newport..

hmmm. What else should I ramble about.. aaah,, the bare naked ladies.. hot like wasabi when I bust rhymes just like Le-Ann rhymes.. oooooooooooooooooooh the fun.

how do you eat a satsuma? (or any orange.) I have like stages..
I take off the skin (obviously) but it never comes off in one piece.. In the process I always end up covered in orange skin juice, y'know that rally pungent stuff the spurts out and almost always gets your eyes? I love the smell of that stuff.. Anyway, once the skins off, I have to take off all the pith.. I really hate having too much pith on my fruit. I can cope with a bit.. But not too much.
eat them with raspberry yoghurt.. That's sooooooooo good. MME

oooh, guess what we did in drama today? It was sooo much fun.
Mr Dewar was inspired by the ducks that Siobhan and Suzane had for activities drama (omg, he made Riffkin stand up and apologise to the rubber ducky that he chucked [quite harshly] at Suzannes feet. He had this spiel about how he had been a "junior member of the RSPCA" and had gone round primary schools etc.. ooh, it was sooo funny :) ) and so, as part of our learning about Artaud (quite a cool guy, he was very insane) we have to make up a short piece about a ducks journey. Me, Miff, David, Tara and Chloe decide that Miff would be a duck that couldn't quack properly, we would ostracise her from the group, she would go on a journey then get befriended by a cat in ducks clothing.. The cat (me..) then ate her. With the aid of all the other cats.. It was soo much fun. We had to physicalise everything, we could make noise, but no English Language noises were allowed.. Honestly, it was amazing. I loved that. She went swimming down a river and we became the waves.. ace.. Mr D was impressed that I vocalised my imitation (for the cat) of Miffs non-quack on an internal breath.. He said it was very artaudian.. He had a whole thing called the "theatre of cruelty" which looked rockin.. He really wanted to challenge the audience, by breaking down the barriers and assaulting them with information, visualities and actions. It was immense.

oh well. I don't think I have anything else to say.. Except, I'm gonna put in the "freaky game" that I've done a coupla times.. It's quite a good one... Post your answers to it guys, I wanna see..I'll put mine up first, no worries.

Don't read ahead...Just do it in order!
It takes about three minutes.
First..Get a pen and paper.
When you actually choose names, make sure it's people you actually know and go with your first instinct. Scroll down one line at a time...And don't read ahead or you'll ruin it!
1. First, write the numbers 1 through 11 in a column.
2. Then, beside numbers 1 and 2, write down any two numbers you want.
3. Beside the 3 and 7, write down the names of members of the opposite gender.
4. Write anyone's name (like friends or family....) in the 4th, 5th, and 6th spots.
5. Write down four song titles in 8,9,10, and 11.
6. Finally, make a wish.
And now the key for the game.....
1. You must tell (the number in space 2) people about this game.
2. The person in space 3 is the one that you love.
3. The person in 7 is one you like but can't work out.
4. You care most about the person you put in 4.
5. The person you name in number 5 is the one who knows you very well.
6. The person you name in 6 is your lucky star.
7. The song in 8 is the song that matches with the person in number 3.
8. The title in 9 is the song for the person in 7
9. The tenth space is the song that tells you most about YOUR mind.
10. And 11 is the song telling you how you feel about life

The first time I...

The first time I...
pulled a guy
he left me for five years
The second time
I pulled a guy
he asked me five more times
that second time
he was never mine
his heart belonged
oh my,
the second time I pulled a guy
he was out and out
a gay man
ha, ha ha.
well, that was my attempt at writing poetry in creative writing..
hands up who thinks I should hand it in??
creative criticisms folks...

Tuesday, November 02, 2004


well, no doubt you'll all know all the rumours that hae been flying (oh, look there goes another no, no I'm not pregnant- thanks Gordon...) around since friday night..
Anyway, I don't feel like "clearing them all up" right now, well, not until I know whatthey all are.. SO, any rumours you guys have heard about anyone who was at John Cleggies on friday night, I want to know them, right here, right now. Thanks.
the fag hag (yeah, thanks guys, chris is getting all offended that he thinks im calling him a fag.. oops.)
