ooooh lord- the music, make it stop.
Damn buggery blogger isn't working.....
I'm really bored and I had a sudden impulse to write something, anything.. whatever.. I'm going to go and write more for the story I wrote in creative writing last week, I'll (as Mrs Harvie told me to) develop the script. So far, running around in my head, I have.. "The funeral was... well, a funeral. Neither nice nor nasty. It was, by some standards, better than others. However that mattered not to her, she had no standard by which to compare it." Ok I made most of that up right now, I only really had the first senence. In a few forms...
Oooooooh, my back is kinda sore. And Sam (a friend of mine whom I don't think I've mentioned on here before) has sent me the same email twice... About free I-pods.. but you have to be "US Residents Only. Must be 18 years of age or older. "
Ha, what a laugh.
Right I'm bored now.
Also, those free Ipods? It's a scam, it must be. I've had 4 people spamming me that, and I don't care what it's all about, nothing is free...
gordon, im free ;)
But you told me I had to pay by the hour!
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