Tuesday, December 20, 2005


well, i'm still in Glasgow.
everyone else (pretty much) is home noe for the holidays, but I'm in Glasgow at my aunts flat cos i gotta work. but its cool, i should actually get a fair amount of work done. my aim is to finish one of my assignments tomorrow and do the other two on friday and over the rest of the holidays. today, i wasted my working time making ad wrapping presents. more fun than work, but slightly less productive really... hmm..

anyway, merry christmas everybody, i'll see ya when i get home (think i'll be in st andrews for a bit christmas eve..)

Thursday, December 08, 2005

bicycle tricycle take me far

I've had an ace wee while recently. I've got exciting plans and i did exciting things (well, for me, anyway).

so, most recent back, then forward:
today, i had a nav's prayer meeting at a very early time of the morning, which was good. then drama, which was fun, then i slept for about an hour and then went to comminuty studies. after that i went to Jules flat, and we had an ace evening. we cooked the best mince and potatoes and had a really good laugh, made a totally fabby powerpoint presentation which actually makes us roar with laughter every time. its hilarious. so that lasted from around 4.30 til 11.30. it was good. i now have the "jules mix" on my ipod from her ipod selection on her computer. its very nice.

so, yesterday, i had art, which was fun, then i made chocolate crispies cakes cos i was going to a navs sleepover at Nomy's... had a fairly productive afternoon doing not very much, but it was good. went to Nomy's and had great fun. gave the girls their cards, which went down well. didn't sleep enough.

day before- tuesday- i had no class, so i did quite alot of work on various things, which i was quite impressed about and then i sat and chatted to catherine for an hour or so, had christmas dinner in the refectory- nice! and then went to navs, which was lovely.. so nice to talk to folk and share in bible study.. we were talking about love (1 Peter 3.8-4.19, in case you were wondering) and suffering. anyway, when i got home, i decided i wanted to make my girls little cards with a wee message and a verse inside, so i made six little "friends" cards. this was at midnight, 1am... it was good.

Monday, i had class then i watched the videos from our music workshops. on the way out, i chatted to calum for a bit, which was nice and we both recieved the same text at about the same time, from bob telling us that he'd had a great day learning to drive a forklift truck... which is pretty cool. erm.. then i went to CU and did the tea and coffee with kirsten, and also brought in our home bakes- marzipan balls (v v v v good!) and mars bar crispie cakes- which went down a storm. it was a good evening. I spent a fair amount just me, which i enjoyed. about 11, i got a chap on my door telling me to put a boot outside it cos kendra had ordered it (tuesday was the 6th, st nicks day, when germans get a st nick present in a boot) so i did.. when i ventured to the bathroom later, i found a card and a bag of sweets, so i thought i would return the favour- therefore kendra got two mars bars anda card in one of my boots.. i think she appreciated it, i got a letter the next day.

Sunday, i went to vineyard for church, which i really enjoy, so that was cool. saw jim and jo, but not much chance to chat cos i was getting back so that kirsten and i could bake for CU which we did, amidst much hilarity. it was great. in the evening i went to go and see bob in glengarry glen ross, but it was all sold out, so i saw bondagers, but we met up afterwards and i met his girlfriend, treena, who seems nice.. so we all traipsed off to a totally random aftershow party at some girls flat. i met three new girls, all lovely, ailsa and two others who i can't quite remember. bob and i left anout 11.15, me to get a bus, him to go home to bed, but it was nice cos we got a wee chat and i'd not spoken to him in ages. so that was really cool.

Saturday, I was working, 3.30 onwards. the afternoon show was fine, although frank sinatra (rat pack was on) got ill during the show so they cut the second act and eventually pulled the evening show.. telling 1500 people that its off isn't exactly fun, but hey. we got off at 8.30 and got paid a full call.. :> :>

ok, so my plans for the future.. well, tomorrow (friday) i've got a few meetings with various class groups, which should be fine.. then i think i'm going to a music thing on campus, so that should be fun.. free wine.

Saturday, I'm looking forward to, cos i'm going into town, then i'm going to falkirk for the afternoon/evening, to see Pete and Iain.. YAY!! I'm excited. dunno what we'll do, but hey. thats part of the fun.

Sunday.. i guess I'm going to church and.. who knows? a week on sunday, it should be a nativity thing and the kids learnt a rap thing, its gonna be ace.

Monday.. nothing very exciting planned- an evening of christmas fun at CU.. should be good.

tuesday. navs has a panto on.. exciting!, no, really, i'm excited, :)

anyway, i'm gonna head to bed.. lovely chatting to you... xx (no, i haven't confused this with msn.)

Monday, November 21, 2005


you should check out my myspace:


i have another (sporadic) blog there too. also its just fun! become my friend!

also, i learnt some yoga on friday. it was fun. sleep now.

this started life as an email.. to whom? i don't know.

I've had a sucky weekend. david and roz were up for bens birthday, and they were staying at bens. so i was gonna go out with them after i'd been to work, but no-one told me where they were going til too late, and since i wasn't in the mood to go to campus til 2 or 3am, i went home on my own. which was ok. the walk up was no scarier than ever before. colder but not scarier. saturday was good, to begin with. i met david and roz for coffee in beanscene (well, i stood at the tube, freezing for half an hour cos they missed their first bus) which was nice, we had a nice chat and they were thinking of staying at mine overnight. as it turned out, they didn't, cos ben didn't take the hint etc..anyway, i went to work, first shift was fine, but then i lost helena so i didn't go to cafe hula for good food, i got crap food (in comparison) from sainsburies. blugh. then the second shift was madness. kristi was ill. the dress bar was shut, so upper (where i was) was mobbed. i had to cash up progs, count ice creams etc very fast, then help pour interval drinks. then i worked on the bar in the interval. its hell. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

oh yeah, and i didn't get out til 10.45 and i had to wait til 11.30 to get my keys from roz and see them into the garage cos i didn't have enough money to go out and then get home. so that was pants.

church this morning was really good though, it was a good sermon and i got to chat to a load of folks i knew. so that was nice. went for lunch at whistlers mother with debbie and her friend.. then to beanscene (for a location change) to get h/choc and cheesecake.. got a bus to meet gokboz and scott to go to kirkie baptist evening service. today was good. i was just tired and kept feeling like i was missing out on something.

yesterday when i got home after work (at after 12) i came in to find that everyone had been to chaiovna and i was quite jealous. i really want to go and it was stupid and irrational but i wanted to tell people about it cos my friend mike told me. but i haven't even been. i just kinda felt like a total reject.


I'm sorry if this doesn't make much or any sense, but i started writing an email, dunno who woulda recieved it, but anyway, its all been inflicted on you. there was no censure this time, so this might be more honest than several other posts...

oh yeah and when i was speaking to jim, he was like, "we were taslking about your tablet last night". (i gave calum tablet last week cos i was home and mum had made it so i bought lots from our little fairtrade market... also we talk about food quite a lot and i had said i'd bring calum some tablet.) so apparently the el dog boys talk about my antics during the week when they meet up. alan has an image (totally out of proportion,i'm sure!) of me doing a birthday dance for calum... i don't know if i should be worried that they talk about me or take it as a compliment... oh well.

so this post was in response to gordos plea for a post. i hope it comes up to scratch and i am sorry for not posting regularly... i'll get better i promise.

Friday, October 28, 2005

with my own two hands


so i had a fun day yesterday, i spent alot of it inside, either at the theatre (work) or at the cinema- which was great fun...

I've now seen Nanny McPhee, which is pretty class and Wallace and Gromit.. I'm so happy!!

Anyway, so, my mum was in the paper with Sir Cliff.. She went to london a couple of weeks ago to meet him, as he is a big cheese in tearfund, and sge was one of only twenty selected reps from the UK that got to see him. ONe of only three in scotland!! so i think she had fun..

anyway, think thats most of my news for just now...

Saturday, October 22, 2005

i'm sleeping with fishes here

in the belly of the whale

I'm a bit annoyed. I was all set (sorta) to go out tonight, like after work and all, but then i ended up coming home and feeling disconnected from my friends. why?


Sunday, October 16, 2005


I love hugs

i don't know why i thought that would be interesting.

i also love the rain. most of the time. except when its crap rain.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

I'm already here

Well today was nice. I had to work which was fine, hey its money and I did two pick ups, which effectively means two hours extra paid work, for about ten minutes worth of work in total. it rocks. haven't yet had a paycheck, but thats ok.

uhm.. I saw Jak, it was his birthday and I had totally forgotten, but it was ok, Dave reminded me and i gave him a big hug. so that was nice. i don't think i have anything interesting to say.

I could, I suppose, tell you all about the rubbish two days i had this week, where i was really upset for no apparent reason, but really, other than what i've just saidd, ther's not much to tell.

it'd be nice to get more phonecalls, btw. I actually love talking on the phone more than i thought i did. I might try and figure out this o2 thing where, by topping up by £15 instead of ten every month you get all these free calls as well... would be rather groovy...

anyway, i should go, i rather feel like a cup of tea and a read before bed...
so night night. xx


Yeah, I really was excited.... I got to buy a sandwich from starbucks!!!! Its amazing!! they actually do Gluten-free sandwiches! And damn tasty they are too!

also, i just spent an hour on the phone with Bob. It was fun.


Thursday, October 06, 2005

ok, so its 12.04

and i'm in from being out.
yeah, that was helpful, wasn't it??
well, i was at an el dog gig in beanscene, cos Bob phoned me up to see if i wanted to come. Bob being one quarter (well, a half tonight) of the band. so I went, and they were good.
so, anyway, the rest of my day was good too... I had drama this morning (theme:colours) and I got to play lots of fun drama type games. then we had community studies, and boy, even this module sounds like fun. We have to go out into communities and analyse them, talk to folk and get an idea of how these communities function and knit together. so its sounding more interesting than previously it had.
the lecturer is also a total dude. He's 64 and retired on friday. but has come back to teach us and the second years. he's quite funny, but a bit of an oddball too.

uhm.. ok, so, that was most of my day in a nutshell for you. I dunno if i did anything really exciting other than these things (which i could go into more detail about, but will leave for right now.) today.

oh, but bob does crazy dancing too. i've found a soulmate :> heh heh.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I saw the lollipop man

howdy doody.

well, today we had music for the first time and it was really great. we learnt some funky african songs and it all sounded really ace.

Roz came up on saturday, which was really really good fun, we went to the GUU to see ben which was ok. then we went to Strath union, where there was a beach party, which was great fun eventually. Chakka Demus and the Pliers was fun...

uhm, i don't think i have anything else really really exciting to say. if something exciting h appens.. i'll let you all know!! at any rate, i will definitely be in edinburgh this weekend!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Visual Arts 1

well. I had my first class today abd it was incredible!! We made a picture and it is soo cool. I love my course. Our first class was visual Arts 1 with Glen, so we are learning about taking workshops, its all about empowerment. Which is very coool. So we worked in Oil Pastels on black sugar paper. each person got a bit of a picture and had to copy that, but they weren't really pictures in the pictures, we were more focusing on lines and colours and shapes. Having said that though, I did end up getting a bowl of flowers. but hey, I liked drawing them and I thought it looked pretty cool by the end.

So tomorrow there is Drama 1- yay!!!!!! I'm uber excited about that. although it will also be workshops and empowering people, and not so much of the lets see how good you are at these sorts of things.

Also, for my elective i get to do digital photography and make digital presentations and stuff. I gotta go at some point and take photos of the work we did today, since Glen was telling us we should keep a record of all our stuff. Which is a cool idea, and something I'm so going to do..

So, other than that, i've just been generally really busy, i went back home on monday for a night, to see Macbeth (its ACE by the way!) and saw Roz, so that was cool. Been to the Union several times, never got wasted though, that just does not appeal. I saw some good gigs, Colin Murray was pretty ace, he got wasted during it though and was chain smoking too, which I didn't appreciate. but hey. It's his life.

Went to the CU several times too, we had a grub crawl, and a ceilidh (yay!!) where I saw some folk I haven't seen in ages, so that was great. Went to the Navs yesterday night, its a housegroup type bible study/community group, so thats cool. the girls in my group all seem really nice, so I'm excited about that. The CU is made up of lovely people, so its been great just to find somewhere i really feel at home and which accepts me as me and doesn't make any demands. I've met some cool people and made a couple of good friends, so thats really good.

I still miss all my old friends though, so you guys are welcome to come and visit me.

On that topic- Jen is coming to Glasgow this saturday- as is Roz (roz is staying over) so i'm excited for that.

Also I'm going to go to Edinburghnext weekend (8th-9th) so if people are free and want to meet up, that would be cool. I'm making Jen put me up. Roz might even be there too. She's coming to mine tursday-saturday. :>

Anyway, I feel I have rambled long enough here, so I shall say adieu and go for tea...

Enjoy yourselves!


Tuesday, September 20, 2005

falling... asleep...

well, its after midnight, i'm exhausted and i realised i hadn'y updated this in a long time.

so i went to see el presidente tonight. thehy kinda rocked alot. flying matchstick men were awesome as suport, as were drive by argument.

all in all, a capital night.

now i have to sleep. i have induction tomorrow.


Tuesday, August 23, 2005

The good old days

I was walking home with my dog this afternoon, through Woody Park. And I was looking at the play area there and thinking how sad it was that kids nowadays just get the crappy “safe” slides and chutes. We used to have such amazing fun on the HUUGE slide and the big climbing frame that used to be there. As well as on the swings that you could actually move because they weren’t massive chunks of rubber that weigh about a tonne each and are calculated to go no higher than a few feet from the ground. The roundabout was the one that was most disappointing. It had been changed for a rubbishy little one that unless you were under 3ft in height it would be impossible to play droppies from (you remember that game. The one where you put a shoe or a twig down and some-one else picked it up on their way past… always good for a few scraped knuckles, but hey. That’s what being a kid’s all about.) and that probably needs three adults to push hard to get any kind of decent speed up on.

Not only are the amusements in this park no longer up to scratch, the park itself is in a bit of a shambles. The grass is more overgrown in places than I ever remember it being as a kid and there is graffitti everywhere. I don’t remember as a kid ever wanting to go and write my name all over things in big bold silver letters (the underneath of swings, in pen, yes, because that meant that that was MY swing and I’d claimed ownership and got to swing on it, but who really wants to claim the park bench by writing “Joe” all over it???) but that’s apparently what kids want to do now. And that’s really sad. Even the trees have graffitti all over them.

I don’t know what the answer to any of this is. I’m merely musing, but I’d really hate to think that when (if?) I ever have kids, that the most fun they’ll have in their local park is spray painting trees. Hopefully all these safety regulations will have been looked at by then…

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

You're beautiful..

Ok, So I said I would write something in the next few days, and that was on like Friday or something.. So I guess I should make good on my promise.

What should I talk about?

I turned 18 this year. It’s been a funny year really. Started off with the best intentions to get great coursework results, and I did ok, except in English. Where I’d hoped for a B (maybe even an A) I got a C. Not like me, so this was a shock and quite possibly one of the first times I’ve nearly failed at something I’m supposed to be quite good at. It was probably a lot of my own fault (who am I kidding? It is my fault, I can’t blame anyone else for my success or failure) because maybe I didn’t work as hard as I should have. But that’s Life. And it doesn’t really matter in the end. I’m still going to University and I still got the best I could wish for in my Drama exam (woooooo! I got an A, I LOVE DRAMA!) so, in reality, what does one C really mean? Apart from when you build your whole self around your success and define yourself as that. Which, to a point, I guess a lot of us do. I know I used to.

On that note, I think I’ll move on to my summer. The best summer so far. I started it off by going to Base camp (BCB) which is a leadership training week on Arran. It was the best week I’ve spent in quite a while. I went through a period of self doubt and really not feeling good about myself or who I was or what I could possibly have to offer, all because I’d kinda lost my faith in God. I know a lot of you who occasionally read this are atheists or agnostics and that’s fine for you, if you can say that you are a satisfied and fulfilled human being. I couldn’t. I needed to know that there is a creator God who made me and loves ME dearly. I didn’t really know that, in my heart, before this summer. So there I was, this wavering, not really sure why I was going to a full-on Christian event, person who needed rescued from the storm of life, and I went to BCB and my heart was changed. I felt God’s love for me. Truly felt it.

After that I was on Holiday with my family, which was fun and challenging. Spending two weeks in hotels and a car with four other adults is not the best holiday atmosphere, but still it was enjoyable.

I then scampered off to KX3, another camp on the island of Arran. This was another uplifting week. I was a trainee leader here, and there were three other trainees on the camp. Three of the nicest people you will ever meet, quite honestly. There was Sarah, the mad Manc, who impressed me with her whole personality. She was lovely. We didn’t always see eye to eye, but that just made it more fun.
Remmie was another of the three. This girl is the most resilient, brave, caring and honest person I know. I honestly love her. She has been through so much in her life and she never really lets it get her down. She was so brave the night we (the trainees) were doing the evening meeting. She was willing to share some of her story with us all. I was so honoured to have met her.
Alison was our last trainee. A girl after my own heart, we had some random conversations, but they were great. Anything and everything could be and was discussed as we went about camp that week- like headless chickens doing crafts or drama every five minutes…

The best part of that week was the time I got to spend with the campers and with the rest of the team, just discussing life, everything. It’s hard to articulate just how cool that week really was. It was a life-affirming experience and really made me question preconceived notions I had about people and the way that we interact with one another. Which is mega cool.

It was a non-stop summer because when I got home from that I had about three days to repack my bags and go to Lendrick Muir (LM5c) for my parents Watersports camp. Another awesome week. I spent a lot of my time with a guy called Pete, who I made friends with last year, though it feels like much longer. We spent a good few hours that week discussing Life, the Universe and Everything. (The answer is, of course, 42.) The time we spent just talking was so good. It’s a relief to talk about spiritual stuff with someone who is on the same path as you and who goes through the exact same stuff that you do. We had a lot of common dilemmas that it was just really good to talk about together.

When I got home from that, I spent most of my time at Barnardos or with my friends. Barnardos is an amazing place. It supports families in Dundee who have disabled children, either physically or mentally handicapped. These are children who could really teach you about being on the edge of society. They amaze me.

“You’re beautiful, you’re beautiful, you’re beautiful its true.”

That’s what some of those kids needed to believe. That it doesn’t matter about your outward appearance and that whatever they do or say or look like that marks them out as “different” doesn’t really matter because they are all beautiful.

And now its holiday club. And I have to work out all my stuff for registration and halls and moving out. Its really quite scary.

So that’s been my summer.

How was yours?

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Home Sweet Home.

Well, I'm home again. And this time i'm pretty much staying. Yeah, pretty much.

I am attempting to write something productive here, but I keep geting interrupted by people on MSN, which is fine, but it means I can't spend time on this.

Ok, a compromise. I shall write something worth reading offline over the next few days (?) and post it.

Goodbye for now.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Alpena posting

so.. here I am in Alpena.. its pretty fun.. we are right out on a lake side, which is kinda cool.. I'm in an Internet cafe... its fine. The most amazxing art gallery is in this town. I LOVE IT!

If I was rich I'd buy itr all.

my time ois out..

Thursday, June 16, 2005

ugh. what a day

so far, so stupid.

what a mess.. the washing machine won't complete its cycle properly. i almost lose the ticket for getting dads watych back- it was under a couple of old photos. then because i find it two minutes too late, i miss the bus, so i have to hang around here till 12.15 to get the next one.

its not good.

and i can't even think of anything else to write.

so i shall end this mis-somethinged whatever here.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

first things first

well, MER is over and i'm officially a schoolleaver now. which is kinda sad.

Also, my favourite cd right now is jack johnson, on and on. its great.

also it's 12.45 am and i've just dropped off four kids (including our own mr t) and i have nothing better to do. except sleep. but i'm in too weird a mood to do that.

also i don't know wtf my best friend is doing with herself right now. i hope she makes the right choices.

also i'm totally rambling.

ugh, i feel so


well, this was a random post.
see ya all later i'm sure x

Monday, June 06, 2005

why amn't i doing any work?

why amn't i doing any work?

i suck at revision
especially when no1 else has to revise.


Monday, May 23, 2005

The curtain has finally fallen.

The stage has been set, the play has played out and now the curtain has fallen to, in some -rare- cases, thunderous applause. For the rest of the actors, the recognition was, more or less, as their stature deserved. Some, unnoticed, carried the play along, their momentum forcing the rest of the cast to work to their best, but these people are destined to be in the shadows, to gain no recognition. They are the backbones, but who notices the backbone? Only when it is gone do we miss it.

In so many ways, an era of our lives is over. It barely feels like it had really begun.

Friendships forged in act 1 fell by the wayside before scene three even began. Those that last till the final act may disintegrate behind the curtain, or they may continue, passing through the void into real life, onto a higher plane, to a different dimension. Even then, these newly forged ties may twist and break, the silver cords that bound them, looking so beautiful, but shattering so easily. The cords made from cotton, reinforced by time and experience, glued to the wrists of those involved may not look up to much, but often prove to be the most enduring. These boring, commonplace, everyday friendships, loves, heartaches have the power and the tenacity to survive. All the tensions, all the strife, all the disagreements, all melt into the fabric of the relationship and stain it with that particular hue of love. As well as the bad times, these cords are strengthened by the good times, by the shared joys, the laughs, the moments of unexpected, but utterly companionable silence... The whispers on the wind, the simplest joys of life, when shared, also strengthen these unusual bonds of friendship.

Within our own plays we had a part, and we played it to our ability. Now, in the real world, we have to start again, we have to build on the experiences we had whilst performing. In the slightly unnatural, slightly stultifying atmosphere of our previous lives we formed ourselves. Now, we can recreate these former people if we so wish. Or we can recreate ourselves anew. Different people moving to different places.

I don't want to lose myself in a new, highly stimulating, extraordinary setting. I want to grow within the person I have become, shaped by those threads that bind me to certain people. Within my play, there have been many characters, some of whom have fallen by the wayside, but not without some thought. Some, more central, have shaped me by their continual presence and their continued bond, even though their end of the thread lies motionless in the ground. Just because I can not see them doesn't mean they don't still have a profound effect on me. These friends, comrades, fellow actors, though fallen, still remind me of important things and lessons in my life. Through one I learnt the true importance of friendship and acceptance and how one simple kind word can change your perspective and the amount of joy you gain from a situation. Never take friendship for granted. Work hard at it. Anything good deserves to be worked at. Of those cords attached to my wrist, there are plenty of plain cotton, several that are fraying and one or two that are showing themselves to be truly made from platinum. These bonds all have different properties and mean different things. The frayed ones could still be pulled taut, could still be rescued, but that requires work on both parts. Some are showing themselves up as barbed wire, wanting only to cut and scar, not to bring learning and growth. These ones need work and love to soften and become copper or cotton. The hardest tests can prove either our making or undoing, can be the most rewarding or utterly devastating.

Friends can become more than that. Friends can become lovers, enemies, companions. For friends who choose more, it can be great, or it can devastate. As long as those friends don't forget that they too, have more than one thread each around their wrists, don't allow those threads to fray, don't ignore the tugging that grows gradually softer, then they can have a good and encouraging relationship. We all have to pay attention to the warnings that the bonds we have give us. If we don't, we doom ourselves to trying to create new bonds all the time, because we can't support the effort required to nurture bonds, the time needed to allow threads to show their true colours.

New places mean new experiences. Ones that we haven't quite decided if we want to encourage or not. We have to choose our new bonds, but we cannot forget the threads we already sustain.

Within life there are many adventures. They all shape us, whether or not they leave us with fresh threads to nurture and cherish.

Life is your choice. You choose how to live it. Choose well.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

well well well

I don't have much to say.

I really can't think of much.

I think I used it all up on writing emails the other night.

However I do have a surprise planned, which I'm sure I will detail after the event.

So, until then, goodnight.

Monday, April 18, 2005

what a strange day

I spent all afternoon in school. Got the 7.45 bus home. what a laugh. not really. Though it was a funny journey (in some ways).

I spent the rest of my evening making a skull and amending my dissertation. what fun.

well, thats all.

enjoy your less stressful lives.


Sunday, April 17, 2005


I was listening to James Blunt in the car earlier and I Love his songs. Literally.

Anyway, I thought thats since I really haven't updated in a while and I feel bad I would update today. Also, Mr Darge hasn't emailed me back about my dissertation yet, so I can't really do anything to that. But nevermind.

So, yeah, this has been an interesting two months, the end of March kinda sucked, since it was exactly a month since Nicky died the day after my Mum's birthday, and then Roz's next door neighbour was buried on the anniversary of Nick, and then it was Roz's birthday, which was tres cool, but the weirdest part was that I saw Gareth on the street on the monday, almost exactly a year since the last time I saw him. So that freaked me out. But I got my creative writing done and I've now given Nicky her story, its at her grave in poly wallets.

Uh.. Yeah, and the easter holidays were good, however, I once again managed to screw myself up royally. I did this last at New Years, and I repeated it at Easter. I think I should just not hang out with guys. I always get into weird situations. The thing is that I love my friends too much to not hang out with them, but then that gets me into trouble. Damn it.

Yeah and then I had a minor altercation with one of my best friends about a situation and that depressed me for a while, but we got it sorted and I think it actually helped. We are more honest, which I have to say, Rocks my Sock. (As Gordo would say.) So I guess all in all, its been a positive month...

Apart from, there are times when I feel invisible. (What? With that laugh? Impossible!) But I'm not always that loud/happy/whatever, so when I do come down I often sit on the edge. I really felt invisible at one point last night, but hey, its no big deal, I was out of the way. But whatever, I had a fun night.

Well, I've been to school today and done lots of drama and eaten crap instead of real food, so Its been a productive day. I'm now off to watch last weeks ER and clear my room. Toodle-pip.

Friday, April 01, 2005

everlasting love

not because I've found it or anything.. that song is just randomly in my head.

So, its the holidays.

tara had a party (which was FUUUUUUUN!)

sara had a party (david showed us his ass four times in a row. he was a leetle drunk. just a little. he has no recollection of this. apparently.)

Roz is having a party (in a couple of weeks...)

the silly people on the profile committee lost my profile (oh, yes, lost it) so Jen and Roz wrote me a new one today. Because today is the deadline. lovely. well, anyway.

Thats been a short summary of my life.

ARGH.........................WORK!! (school and otherwise. ) its killing me.

Friday, March 25, 2005




Uhrm. Finding Neverland. Is an excellent film.

I spent most of yesterday unable to construct proper sentences. Alot of the time it sounded like I was drunk. I can assure you, I was not.

Anyhoo, I'm sure I had something interesting to say, Oh yeah, I was thinking about previous posts, and I would like to say that I have not listened to either the Distillers or the Gossip for quite a long time. And actually, I'm not sure I particularly like either band as much as I did.

Not sure why you wanted to know that. I'm sure there are other things I could say.

good night.

ps. does anyone else find it odd seeing someone almost a year after you last saw them, but not speaking to them, just walking past? Or is it just the shaking bt thats weird? Sorry.

Sunday, March 20, 2005


What a load of prentious twaddle.

Sorry, but I realised on friday that although the RSAMD is (apparently) the school of excellence for drama in Scotland, all they really want are people who think that "Pushing a Building" is art. For eight (yes, EIGHT!) hours. Or, that balancing on a chair, blindfolded, in a stupid suit, is anything to do with any of our stimuli, or to with anything at all.


I'm not bitter, I realised by lunchtime that I didn't really want to go there anyway, but it would have been nice to know that i was good enough. I guess I'm not radical enough though.

Oh well. It was a fun day, and I (and some other guy caled Gordon, who's been auditioning for like three years) spent lunch tutoring another girl, Fiona, on how to read and learn Shakespeare because she is going back to do the acting audition. And she's never done Shakespeare. Soooo.. that should be interesting. Anyway, I'm off now. Got a report to revise.....

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


I don't really know why im sitting here tonight. Yes, partially it is an attempt to escape from doing any work at all tonight, but other than that I really don't know.

I guess I'm feeling like the title says, alone. But not the big bad scary Alone alone, just, lonely I guess.

I have no reason to feel this way. Absolutely none. I guess its just because for one reason or another, today sucked and I don't really know why. Jeez, I don't know alot do I?

It's so selfish. 65 huh, thats all I get when I lean my head on the keyboard in despair. 65 and a beep. And no-one is online.

I just don't feel real sometimes. And then sometimes I think everything that is at all wrong with me is in my head. Like, hell, if I really put my mind to it, I could eat normal food. Yeah, whatever. I just.. I dunno, I feel like a fraud and a total ass for taking up everyones time when there are worse hings happening and whatever it is that I'm messing myself up with is nothing really.

I'm talking crap again. I'm going to leave.

A comment.

I said that the Sunday the Americans left was the saddest day of my life, yes?

Well, I'd like to amend that. In retrospect, it was not the saddest day of my life because I will still talk to them and stuff and just because they've left now doesn't mean I will never see them again.

And other things that are worse that that have happened to me, as regular readers (or my friends, most of which my readers are, so the categories are fairly redundant, Anyway) will know.

So that was all. I just felt I should amend that.

Monday, March 07, 2005

I'm warm but shivering

how odd is that?


Well, I discovered last week that a friend of mine from camp died suddenly. He was the same age as me and perfectly healthy. He was even a life guard and stuff, and he just collapsed on the street and died. He had a cardiac disrrythmia or something. It was very sad anyway, because he was such a nice kid. He wrote a speech on the last day of camp to tell us all how much of a great time he had had, and how accepted he had felt, because he was worried before camp that he might not make any friends. So that was very sad. And upset me.

Life goes on though I suppose.

I guess that's all.

I don't really have anything exciting to say, except (and again this is a bit depressing) I haven't been to see Nicky's gravestone yet and I might sometime soon.

wow, this was a depressing post. well, good night.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

The Mardi Gras

I thought I should do a post about this.. Its going to be pretty abstract, but hell.

Anyway, so yes, we went to the Mardi and it was fun.

So, as a social experiment:

How many guys will try to chat up/dance in a suggestive manner/make fierce eye contact with a normal looking girl (ie me). Answer?

Well, chatting up in the mardi really isn't an option, its more hollering over the music which is no fun, so, the first one is discounted, but otherwise I had at least four guys try to dance with me.

If a shortarse asian guy (absolutely nothing against asians, ok?) with a big black leather jacket comes up behind you and starts basically grinding, what would you do?

a) dance with him, hell, it could be fun.
b) realise you're getting stubble rash on your shoulder, tell him to f off and walk away.
c) turn round, smack him one and then walk out.

well, obviously, I was b, but how funny would it have been to smack him.. oh wow.

Anyway, so the Mardi was ace fun, I'm thinking of going again.

btw southern comfort and lemonade is soooooooooo the best drink ever!!
or apple sours. mmmmmmmmmmm.

Damn, this was going to be more interesting.

well, have you ever wondered why so many people get together at pubs and clubs just to get drunk and try to find some random to spend the night with? Its really quite sad, all these people looking for love, just won't find it one a sticky dance floor.
mmmmmmmmm. dry crunchy nut cornflakes. I love these things, even without milk they taste damn good.

right i'm going to leave now.

Sob. The saddest day of my life.

The Americans left on Sunday. I was upset, truly, truly upset.

It was soo much fun. We had the most excellent time and I think I got to know a lot of them a whole lot better.

Anyway, so, that was a very very sad day, and I will get around to writing about the insanely fun things we did, bt not right now. Right now, I have to say, I am rather happy. I passed my driving test yesterday (w00t!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and so I can now officially drive! ALSO! I got an unconditional offer from strathclyde, which is totally where I want to go. I do kinda want to go to the RSAMD, but thats still to happen, my audition is on the 18th of March. not long though.. so I need to prepare.

Anyhoo... Now that y'all know my exciting news, I will leave since I can't think of any topics to amuse you with.

Uhrm. right, yeah, no, thats me.

Friday, February 11, 2005

a virtual quagmire

really and truly.

well, anyway, so i had two choices for last night (technically i suppose i had three, but the last one meant that i was a boring fart, so, we'll discount that right now.) the first being camping with Gordo, Davey, Chloe, Keir, Conor et al. I was all up for this, until mum stamped on my fire. or whatever. Anyway, i wasn't allowed to go in caes i got hypothermia or something. well, it was a nice dream for a while.

My second option (and the one i ultimately went for, as the first option wasn't really an option anymore) was to go to my "other Dave"'s house for a partay.

so.. that conundrum occupied me for a while. In the end Daves was really good fun, we watched alladin at 1 in the morning. twas ACE! yeah, ok so im sad.

Anyway, I'm expecting full updates from my camping friends as to what happened.. who scared who, how many "ereotic" novella's were virtually written.. all that jazz.

yup.. good times.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

its a quiz..

but a totally random one. no jokes. totally random.

so yeah.

I made a Quiz for you! Take my Quiz! and then Check out the Scoreboard!

A bone of contention.

Actually, its nothing so harsh or remonstrative as that.

Anyway, I had an interesting weekend. Work sucked, as it is apt to do. I got to sleep at 1 on saturday night and then woke up at 8. with an even worse cold that I had been expecting.

On the plus side, I got to drive Mums new car several times. That was fun. And watch Big Fish, with John, Hairy Johnny, Dave and Jen. actually, no one really watched it so much as talked through it and then questioned me as to what was happening. If Johnny starts moving closer, clo-o-oser to you, be scared. he probably fancies you. I had to hide in a plant at one point to move away. Not that I don't like him or anything, I was just little unnerved.. Well, anyway.

So yah, I'm kinda dead.

I was informed today that I am not allowed to wear my jeans to my interview because they aren't smart enough.. It's a DRAMA course. It's all about how individual and creative you are, not how well you can wear suits. But I'm getting a pair of Black jeans instead, which is a good compromise I feel. Teamed with a nice shirt, a vest top, several badges and a smart jacket. (Jackets are my downfall.. I have a total weakness for them.. I love them!! But I don't have what I would really really like: a good suit jacket. I've hankered after one of them for AGES!)

So, anyway. I think thats a fair update on my life so far.

Katie comes in SIX DAYS!!!!!!

yes, that SIX (6!) days! be prepared for the utter hyperness..

Monday, January 24, 2005

I updated Jimmy.. with that piece from creative writing i meant to put up ages ago.. oh well.. creative criticism is always appreciated!

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Today I thought I'd share my boredom with you.

Also the fact my mother has decided my room really needs to be gutted. its not that bad. actually, now I'm getting restless.. I needto go and tidy it and chuck things out.

see ya when i resurface..

IF i resurface

Friday, January 21, 2005

heres an exciting new venture...

right, guys, know how i make cards and badges and earrings and stuff? well.. I have a name for it and an email address.... sooo if you want a card or badge or jewellery or a piece of customised clothing.. send me an email at suzimonster.designs@gmail.com yay.. its not all that expensive either... all my first stuff is going on sale at the tsunami coffee morning thing and all th money is goingto that as well (not that i think it'll make all that much) yeah so, i feel really pretentious doing this now.. aaaaw. ach well.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

well, well, well

Its been a long year, and yet an incredibly short one in some ways. It seems like forever since Nicky died, but in fact is only about 9 months. I can't believe its only been like two months since i went to America. and yet, it sems like such a sort time ago that i was only doing like standard grades- now that was a while ago.

I was trawling my archives last night in order to get some material for a reflective essay. I now have two ideas. One of which is basically an essay anyway. In fact- i could definitely incorporate the two into one huge essay. I love writing, so it shouldn't be too hard.

On another note entirely, Gordo and I might be setting up a joint blog.. where we post random english conversations (we talk on paper alot) and other bits and pieces.
well, we might do...

I just don't think I'll ever get over you

the Garden State soundtrack is immense, It has o many incredible songs on it, aload of which totally reflect my mood alot of the time.

I should really do some homework, but instead I'm going to talk about my friends.

I love my friends, and I want to say thank you to them all for being there for me this past year.
I have really really been blessed to have all you guys, you've should by me when i've been down, even when I couldn't and still can't explain what was wrong. You've seen the real me, the one that is insecure and hurts and can't get past small, stupid things, things that don't really mater. You've stuck with me through all of this and more and we've had some insanely good times too, so I just want to really say thankyou. I really appreciate you guys, even if I don't always show it. I guess you'll know that I find it hard to talk about my emotions, I still do, I don't ever really find it easy to tell someone how I'm feeling, I never feel like i really matter enough as a person to merit someone wanting to listen to my problems, so I'm sorry that I don't open up that much. I feel like I have revealed myself as a person more over this past year than before. I'm honoured to know that if there is something big that I can trust you lot to treat it with dignity. I feel so loved sometimes. And I know that even when I don't feel it, its usually just my own insecurites and you haven't left me.
I really like this poem, and I wanted to share it because it describes how I feel I am in some of my relationships and the absolute ideal for all of my close friendships.

Paint Brush
I keep my paint brush with me
wherever I may go,
in case I need to cover up,
So the real me doesn't show.

I'm so afraid to show you me,
afraid of what you'll do,
that you may laugh or say mean things,
I'm afraid I might lose you.

I'd like to remove all my paint coats
to show you the real, true me,
But I want you to try and understand,
I need you to accept what you see.

So if you'll be patient and close your eyes,
I'll strip off all my coats real slow.
Please understand how much it hurts
to let the real me show.

Now my coats are all stripped off,
I feel naked, bare and cold.
And if you still love me with all that you see,
you are my friend, pure as gold.

I need to save my paint brush, though,
and hold it in my hand.
I want to keep it handy
in case somebody doesn't understand.

So please protect me, my dear friend
and thanks for loving me true.
But please let me keep my paint brush with me
Until I love me, too.
Bettie B Young
too low to find my way, too high to wonder why
wow, thats like actually like my life sometimes. yeah i am having too much fun with all these coloured fonts.
well, i guess thats about all i wanted to say.

Sunday, January 02, 2005


to all my friends, old and new, i wish you the best ever year.

May you be blessed in 2005

Thanks for everything this past year!

lotsa love Siouxsie