Saturday, October 15, 2005

I'm already here

Well today was nice. I had to work which was fine, hey its money and I did two pick ups, which effectively means two hours extra paid work, for about ten minutes worth of work in total. it rocks. haven't yet had a paycheck, but thats ok.

uhm.. I saw Jak, it was his birthday and I had totally forgotten, but it was ok, Dave reminded me and i gave him a big hug. so that was nice. i don't think i have anything interesting to say.

I could, I suppose, tell you all about the rubbish two days i had this week, where i was really upset for no apparent reason, but really, other than what i've just saidd, ther's not much to tell.

it'd be nice to get more phonecalls, btw. I actually love talking on the phone more than i thought i did. I might try and figure out this o2 thing where, by topping up by £15 instead of ten every month you get all these free calls as well... would be rather groovy...

anyway, i should go, i rather feel like a cup of tea and a read before bed...
so night night. xx


Gordon Strachan said...

Yeah, I've been finding out that the totally bummed thing is pretty universal recently. Its that massive cloud over Scotland, our leaves aren't getting the happy stuff called ultra violet we need to get by.

Hmm, I have a sore throat so the only reason I'm up so late right now is because I'm waiting so I can take these scrumptous pills without exceeding the dosage! You see? One step ahead of the game....

suz said...

uhm, why not just take them last thing at night and the first in the morning (is it ibuprofen you're taking?? thats the best way to work it. first thing, lunch and last thing. paracetamol each time plus once extra.)?

anyway, its ok, i'm now feeling better anyway. much more rooted.

oh, yeah and i worked out the o2 thing, so once i top up, i'll have some free calls. hurrah. i love phonecalls.

Gordon Strachan said...

Ah yes, but I sleep funny. I would take it last thing, but if I did that it would be before the recommended dosage time limit dothingy. Ah well! Happy phoning.

suz said...

i still have to top up.. so it might be thursday (when hopefully I get paid!!) before i get my free phone calls. once i do, there'll be no stopping me!!!

have fun xx