Tuesday, May 16, 2006

and i found grace enough today

as the more astute of you may have noticed, most of my recent post titles are also song lyrics. fair enough, they are mostly quite obscure tracks.. but still. So, I decided, spur of the moment like, that instead of even contemplating doing more of my essay (MUST GET THAT DONE!!!!) I would talk for a while about some of my favourite songs. helped along the way by my trusty iPod.

In no particular order:

If I Fall by alice martineau. This is a beautiful song- one that was played at nicky's funeral and still reminds me of her, but in a good way.. "memories of a little girl, in my perfect world, don't cry..."

Walk Away by ben harper. a beautiful song that demonstrates how hard it is to walk away from those that ypu love, but it has to be done. one that i heard for the first time in glasgow, and has good connections with that time. its a lovely song. "too many people to love in my life, tell me, why do i worry about one?"

two songs: Girl in a Tower and Orion both written and performed by my friends el dog. both songs are lovely in their own ways. I have great respect for these guys and they write lovely songs. make me think of spending afternoons with bob just drinking tea and chatting. first time i met them, we had the randomest chats ever. it was great fun, and its been fun since then. they're so lovely.

If We Are The Body by casting crowns. the song is just a challenge to me in my faith. i need to remember that we are the body of christ (and i know a lot of you don't believe and i'm not trying to weird you out here, thi is just what i think right now) and if i am to be an effective member, i need to be reaching out and living my life in that way. its good, i've found folk in glasgow who do challenge me that way, and i'm growing.

Roundabout by the cellars. "well, this isn't easy and although i'm shaking" a lovely little band i saw in aikmans just before i left st andrews for glasgow. it kinda sums things up really. yeah, was a bit scary moving to glasgow, it was a "blend of youthful exuberance and ... its such a hopeful mix" but it was also one of the best things i've done. i just like this song.

End of an Anchor and Vindicated by dashboard confesional. beautiful songs. also As Lovers Go (Ron Fair Remix). I quite like this band all in all. "this is easy as lovers go, so don't complicated it... i said i gotta be honest i've been waiting for you all my life" feels like i've found some of the friends i've been waiing for in glasgow. thats not to say that io don't love and appreciate the friends i have in fife already, i really do, we've been through so much together and no-one can really replace that kind of amazing friendshps, but as i've grown up and into myself this past year, i've made some really interesting and strong friendships in glasgow. "i am vindictated, i am selfish, i am wrong i am right.. i am flawed, but i am cleaning up so well"

Foreverandever Etc... by the david crowder band. as well as the whole of Sunsets & Sushi (Experiments In Spectral Deconstruction) because it is a magnificent remix album. david crowder just has a way of expressing everything i want to say when i'm talking to God, but can't really find the words to say. its beautiful music.

hey! by david murray. what a corker. this is a track by a guy from my church, it features on the album, subject to change which was created by glasgow westend vineyard. such a gorgeous song... it just expresses his lost ness and loneliness and how he was pulled out of that "don't be alarmed, i'm ok, big G caught me just in time, said stop beautiful, don't you know you're a miracle of mine"

Be My Downfall by del amitri. what else can i really say? it characterises a certain period of my life and although i'm not proud of it it happened and it shaped me in some subtle ways. but other than those connotations, in its own right, this is a lovely song, as are all the rest of the del amitri songs.

Sing a New Song by emmaus. "yeah, the sun will shine again, the food will taste fine again the tears will be wiped from every face upon the earth"

Love Is Strange by everything but the girl. "love, love is strange, many people take it for a game, once you've had it you're in an awful fix, cos after you've had it, you never wanna quit" i can't say it better than that.

Portuguese Skies by jo mango. actually, the whole album is lovely. the songs speak for themselves really. this is slightly melancholy and that rings true.

nooks by king creosote. this reminds me of summer two years ago. study leave at the end of fifth year actually. not because i listened to it a lo at that point, but because emily gave it to me on a cd and i spent a lot of my time with her. so it reminds me of anstruther. i love the song in itself other than that anyway, it has many resonances...

i won't take up much more of your time, i promise...

Homesick by the kings of convenience. what an awesome band and a stonker of a track. it reminds me of certain nights out and certain people- just the lyrics of it. its a classic. (ps, thanks for introducing me to the album gordon!)

Less Than Love by the normals. its a very true song. shared it recently with a good friend of mine who was having a bit of a rough time re girls etc etc, one in particular was messing up his head, so we just sat in my room and drank tea and chatted and i made him listen to this song, i sent him the lyrics to it and it was good. its a good song.

Wedding Day by rosie thomas. this is an artist with the most beautiful songs ever. bittersweet and perfect.

Can I Stay Here Forever? by starfield. this song reminds me of myself in so many ways. there is a longing in it and i identify with so many bit of it. i've been in those situations, torn myself to pieces over some guy, been ridiculous about relationships, deserted God, gone my own way, but i have come back and this just captures that kind of search. its beautiful.

Drops Of Jupiter by train. what a cool song. i just love it. it makes me smile, it makes me cry. i love the whole album.

Love and also Run To by yvonne lyon. another artist from my church, she has a gorgeous voice and she uses it well. her lyrics are beautiful.
i'll leave it there.

love, love is a flood of torn tears and love will carry you home. love that loves for beauty's sake will soon as beauty die.


Gordon Strachan said...

Kings Of Convenience are indeed the musical equivalent to Kipling's variety of cakes. I'm glad you liked them, they're such a cosy sound, but at the same time, cold around the edges.

Gordon Strachan said...

What days did you say you were home for before going away to camp?

adsie said...

Dear Suz, know this is an old post, but was listening to the Subject 2 change album the other day, and really wanted to hear more by David Murray. Your blog is the nearest I could get to finding out anything about him at all! Do you have any more info?

Love the blog, by the way!

suz said...

hello adsie..
nice to meet you..

afraid i don't really know anything more about david murray...

sorry i can't help more..

hope you find something!

feel free have a nose around here.. i'm glad you like it :)