Sunday, December 26, 2004


i apologise for the unnecessarily depressingness of that last post.. it was just not a good day.. anyway


i love my presents.. well, some of them were weird.. but thats always good!

anyway.. thanks to those who replied (gordon- thank you!!!!!)

yup.. sooo... Merry christmas and a Hapy new year!
i love you guys!

Friday, December 24, 2004

merry christmas

doesn't feel like christmas.

don't feel in the spirit.

cried to sleep last night.

no particular reason.

well, none that i can think of.

do my friends really want me?


i have about a million pieces of homework to do.

merry christmas.

hope to see ya in the new year.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

I've been on post 100 for about the last ten posts...

and radio two just played the ER theme tune (I LOVE that programme!) and now its this gorgeous song. aaaaw, suuuch nice vocals.

well, i spent yesterday in front of this computer, writing a huuuuuuge essay for drama. And then I discover- its not even DUE for today! Because some ass has told Mr D that we had it for tomorrow. Which is impossible cos we have Mrs E tomorrow. ohhh for cryinng out loud.


yeah i don't really have time tonight to sit here.. i need to make hogmanay party invites and finish off christmas stuff etc....


see yaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Sunday, December 05, 2004

It's been a while

Well, hello, my fine furry comrades.
Or whatever...

It has (I feel) been a while since I last really posted in a rambly sort of way. I was reading over some of my archives and they did make for quite fascinating reading. I was quite amazed to see the feelings that I had had, laid bare for all to see. In a very rambly sort of way. Hold on, I need some music to accompany my thoughts. Hurrah! After much confabulation or otherwise, my CD is now playing. Real Player screwed me over for a while. And the sound card is still a little buggered, so the tracks don't play quite as well as they should, but never mind. Once I've finished saving Belle and Sebastian I can listen (in no particular order) all the other songs (albums) I've saved. Which are way too many.

Damn, I really wanted to transfer all the music files I had saved with Windows Media across to Real Player, but I can't see how to do it.

Anyway, I'm now onto a random play list of all the 82 clips of music I currently have stored.

Today was interesting. It was the BB carol service. Of all the songs, it was "Hark the Herald angels sing" that got me.

"Born that man no more may die;
Born to raise the sons of earth,
Born to give them second birth"

(No, I’m not going to explain any further.).

I love your body work and your flashy pop up lights the way you hug the corners however fast and tight

I got a really nice almost early Christmas present the other day. Sarah gave me a bag of craft bits that Nicky had.

We had Granny and Jenni up this weekend, my Gran was going to see a flat at Scotscraig that she might buy- her flat in Glasgow is getting a bit much for her now, its beginning to get out of control. So, anyway, se saw the flat and she likes it, so she'll put in an offer. The parents and assorted were discussing how much Granny’s flat would get- upwards of 120,000! and that’s a conservative view- simply because of the location and layout.

Oh my giddy aunt- Christmas is coming and I have so much still to do. I was informed on Saturday that I'm working till 7 next week, and it’s the Christmas night out as well, which should be fun. From what I've heard everyone gets bladdered. Last year Dave had a hangover that didn't clear up till 6 the next night...

I'm feeling quite uninspired tonight, I don't have many topics that I feel I can ramble on in depth about- I could go on about Davus' long awaited "Beauty" post, oh that reminds me, I went to see Beauty and the Beast at the byre on Friday and it was excellent. I still found myself (as did David and Tara) analysing parts of the play, actually all the time. It struck me about halfway through the second half that the staging was rather like Gordon Craig's (this won't mean much to many of you) design (or Vision, because it never really took off, he was too demanding and wouldn't allow for easier materials to be implemented) for his (and Stanislavski's) version of Hamlet (1908). He had dreamt up these screens which would be moved and lit in different ways to portray different atmospheres etc, which is what Steven Wrentmoore's designer did. It was good, very effective. This one used paper (I think? - that’s how they looked anyway...) covered screens, whereas Craig wanted natural materials- timber etc... - Which turned out to be far too heavy. Anyway, yes, Davus' long awaited Beauty post- will it ever be forth coming? I guess only he can ever know.

In my opinion, it can be very hard for girls to look at themselves and say- I'm beautiful. There are certainly moments of that, but it’s almost never a continual thing. There are always flaws- there are times when different parts of ourselves don't measure up to the standards we expect and we find ourselves dull, boring, unattractive, timid, whatever. We see all the imperfections and can't quite accept that we could be anything other than this. We can never see ourselves as others do (sometimes that’s a blessing- other times, a curse) and so we judge ourselves as we have set our own standards. That’s why we find compliments hard (I know I do- about anything, be it personal or out-with myself) and can't quite believe what people say about us. But, I'll wait with baited breath as to what Davus has to say on the matter- he seems to be quite opinionated...

he set me down and so began the story of a charmless man

That, I hope, will never be said of me. I mean, hopefully I'll never be a man (Lord knows I'm not planning on a sex change) and I hope I'll never be charmless. I think that could be one of the worst things in the world, trying so hard to get people to like you and yet failing miserably... that would depress me. I'd actually be miserable. Hmm.

I made my aunt a badge today- she was very chuffed. I found an excellent use for parts of Alex's birthday present to me- the jar is being use as a badge holder, and the scarf (which is pretty damn cool, but I couldn't see myself wearing it as a scarf) is being used in the badges. It's completely ace. So, anyway, Jenni was very chuffed with her badge and was like- d'ya think I could commission you? I could have my own badge maker! I was like- yeah. I suppose. Jees, I say "like" alot when I'm describing conversations. Maybe I should start selling badges and cards, Lord knows I love making them. Maybe that’s a gift I've been given. Along with Prophecy.

(If I haven't told you this story before, I'll explain it now. At camp in the summer, I made friends with a couple of people. One of them, Ruth, was talking to me one evening [this was when she, I and Ian were talking] and I said something and then later, in a conversation, sometime after camp, she told me that she though I had the gift of prophecy [This doesn't mean I can see the future, it just means that I know {through God} what to say to people at times. He speaks through me. To give comfort, or advice, or whatever is needed at that time.] Because of what I said in the conversation, she said I sounded so sure- I knew what I was saying was the truth [I would tell you what it was, but it’s a trust thing] and it really comforted her. Which I thought was amazing. There have been one or two situations since then that I believe confirmed that gift. It’s an excellent gift to have. Iain and Pete [camp] both have the same gift, and Iain has also been gifted with Angels. He can see them. I told some of you that at school the other day. I'm actually not joking about that at all.)

(the boy done wrong again) hang your head in shame and cry your life away (the boy done wrong again) hang your head in shame and cry your life away are you ok now [instrumental] on saturday i was an angel shining fair you shone louder longer you put my shine to shame put me to shame now [instrumental] what is it i must do to pay for all my crime what is it i must do i would do it all the time do it all the time now [instrumental] all that i wanted was to sing the saddest song and if you would sing along i will be happy now [longer instrumental] woodland spring has put the darkness from your thinking if this towns a sinking ship then you know where to jump [instrumental] talking dirty for a hobby thats alright pour another glass of wine i'll think of england this time [instrumental] all i wanted was to sing the saddest song and if you would sing along oh if you would sing along if you'd only sing along i will be happier

I was a little loathe to put in the "[instrumental]" but it helps to aid the flow of the song. Which is lovely. By Belle and Sebastian. Called The Boy Done Wrong Again. (I did miss out the punctuation deliberately, I’m not just nuts. Honest.)

oooh, my hand is getting cold now... I'm rather impressed at the length I have managed to go about not too much. Take me to task on that statement if you wish. Also, with all the fights that have been going on in this fair cyber-land called Blogworld, (at least in our county of it) I'm very impressed I haven't had character assassinating "Mr/Mrs Anonymous" assassinating my character. Which, actually, considering my *readership* isn't that surprising at all.

Hmm, I rather feel I have nothing else of any vague interest to say. So I shall toddle off. Good even.

(Although, it has just occurred to me that I don't have a signing off thing. Hmmm. I'm not entirely sure I actually want one. Oh well. If you have a good idea, let me know. Doesn't mean I'll take any heed of you, but you can try.)

Tried to do a spell check then, when I copy pasted it, it screwed the spacing. This is doing my absolute nut in. I'm so pissed off.

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

ooooh lord- the music, make it stop.

Damn buggery blogger isn't working.....

I'm really bored and I had a sudden impulse to write something, anything.. whatever.. I'm going to go and write more for the story I wrote in creative writing last week, I'll (as Mrs Harvie told me to) develop the script. So far, running around in my head, I have.. "The funeral was... well, a funeral. Neither nice nor nasty. It was, by some standards, better than others. However that mattered not to her, she had no standard by which to compare it." Ok I made most of that up right now, I only really had the first senence. In a few forms...

Oooooooh, my back is kinda sore. And Sam (a friend of mine whom I don't think I've mentioned on here before) has sent me the same email twice... About free I-pods.. but you have to be "US Residents Only. Must be 18 years of age or older. "

Ha, what a laugh.

Right I'm bored now.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

tra la la

well good day mon petit poi

soooooooooooooo how ya all doing??
I wrote a kinda depressing story today.. almost a biographical story.. but not.
when i get it back from mrs Baughan etc I will post it duly.

tra la la.

aaaaaw, I miss my american. sooooooo much. its really quite sad.

i've noticed in myself that i've changed slightly. Now I know what your going to say- everyone changes, blah blah blahdy blah, but I don't think this is a hormonal thing or whatever. I've noticed myself become more introspective and melancholy.. sometimes. Usually when I've had some to drink or haven't had enough sleep, but I do it. I don't know why.

hmmm. not sure why I just wrote that.

ooooomg. I got an email from Gareth (close readers [or those canny with a archive list] will remember him) the other day. Totally out of the blue and totally one I never expected. It wasn't even a good email. It was some crap chain-mail type grotesquery. Maybe he clicked on my name in his address book by mistake, or maybe he didn't. It freaked me out a bit though.. But I did expect, if he were to everget back in touch, a proper email. At the least. Hopefully not a declaration of love (boy are Those scary) but just a friendly email. hmm, obviously not. But now I'm wondering- maybe I should send him a wee email, just to say Hi, how ya getting on, are you going back to university (thats a question that does really intrigue me...). But then again, maybe thats a bad idea.

I just don't know.

So, since I know nothing, I'm going to go back to drawing dresses and unloading the dishwasher. yes- at the same time. I'm a woman, I can multitask.

ooooooo the jokes about woman drivers.. some are funny.
Jonny's one cracked up my friend Gillian. woman are betterdrivers because they aren't in accidents- they just cause them.
ok not so funny written down. she was in hysterics.

Anyway. I really will leave now..

Tuesday, November 23, 2004


Guess what.. I made another blog!!!! *huge intake of breath*
no, I'm not abandoning this one, I've just decided to get an outlet for any creative stuff I do. I had a fiction press one.. now its all going onto Jimmy the hideous penguin boy.
enjoy- if you want to.

Monday, November 22, 2004


I'm not feeling like writing all that much. well, I am, but I can't think of anything to say. So, I thought I'd share some of my *wonderful* poetry.

Bobbing for Apples
The path is dark,
the door creaks open and you are confronted with
bob, bob, bobbing in water.
green, red
stop, go
go for an apple
stop before you get wet
someone won,
biting into sweet flesh,
cold juice runs down her chin.
Yeah.. ok, so its not the greatest poem ever.. but I rock at doing presentations!
Hmm, I have one other poem.. but no one ever really seems to get it.
I was going to ramble on here for a while. I need a subject. I've opened like five windows in messenger, but no-one is really speaking to me- Adam is blatantly ignoring me, John isn't paying attention, Jak didn't speak after I'd asked my question (ie are you doing Secret santa?) and Chris just.. stopped talking. I feel so unloved. Also rather frantic (but ignoring it all) because I have (wow, Johns speaking) (we are back to doing our whole :) :) :) thing. we take it turn about.. its a rather odd one. And he said hes boycotting it (Ie, MSN)- so I'll have no one to talk to........ :( *sniff*) an assesment tomorrow and a hard passage of Artaud to read as well as an essay or two due for wednesday.. I'm soo screwed.
tarrumbdedum. oh my giddy aunt. well, I've now got (well, I'll have it next week) my red cross first aid certificate. wow, I have quite alot of random medically things.. none of which have much/any relevance to my real life.. oh well.
ok, I'm off now..
night all.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Buddhism.. my re-considered opinion.

Ok.. So I used to think Buddhism completely sucked- I don't know why, they seemed like nice people (probably) but their religio seemed to me to be far too "nothing-y". And I mean that literally...
Anyway, Having just spent 35 hours with the monks and nuns and lay people who live and work in Samye Ling, I have a new found respect for them. They have strong beliefs and a strong moral code and they totally don't pressurise you in any way. Its a fantastic environment. And they teach you to meditate. Well Gungdan (I think thats how you spell it.. I really have no idea) (ask Keir.. I'm sure he'll remember how to actually pronunciate it properly too..) taught us to meditate. It was soo cool..

Anyway. So, don't go worrying that I've changed my religion (I haven't) because in a funny way, being there amongst all the hard work and charity and love that went into building the temple and goes into runnng the place, as we were meditating, I was realising why I love being a Christian. I will definitly be meditating more often, it does wonders for your sense of well being, as well as focusing your mind.

Soooo... I totally recommend going to Samye Ling, even just for a weekend, to soak up the atmosphere, wander the gardens, appeciate the temple because it is a marvellous place- even if you don't believe in the religion.

But- make sure you leave time to shower and have lots of warm clothes if its winter etc.. it gets cold, and we (probably) got smelly. not too badly though..

so, I now think that Buddhists rock- they have a great respect for life and although I don't agree with all their teachings, I like their style.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

look, another quizy thing..

this one will really intrigue me... i want to know yours answers.. do it for me and for each other (if you can be bothered.. ) again, i nicked this off someone else..

1.Has being friends with me changed your life? If so how and is it for the better or for the worst?
2. What animal would you compare me to?
3. What social group would you put me in?
4. What's your first memory of me?
5. Why do you think we're friends?
6. What's your favorite part about me?
7. Have you ever had a dream with me in it? if yes, do tell.
8. How long have we known each other?
9. What do you think i'll be like in 5 years? Will we still be friends?
10. Is there a song that reminds you of me? If yes, what is it?

i'm feeling really unorigina tonight- which is why im just posting this stuff...

bam bam bada ba bam

I'm not sure what that was all about.

my feet ache.. :(

Second day of work ever today.. Superdrug is good, its kinda fun.. I've just had my hours increased though.. now working from 9-6. not 10-6. grrr.

oh well. I had a good lunch, Jen came to see me, hurrah! I wasn't just on my own.. Thats a point, if you're in town around 12-1 i'll be on my lunch break so come see me.. text me if im not on the counter. or at 4. i have a break (15 mins) around then..

I'm tired, I can't be bothered writing coherently.
at all.
so bye.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

ho hum

Ok, well, since I haven't really written a post here in a while, well not a good one, I thought I'd write something...
hey hey, guess what? I got a letter in the post today.. From my friend Andrew (if anyone wonders.. this is the guy from the first verse of my crappy little poem...) who is at university just now. It was great to hear from him (wait, I need a jumper. I'm freezing.) (ok warm now) cos I haven't spoken to him since.. That Glasgow uni open day.. We met on the street. Anyway, he's well, and he had a fancy dress flat warming.. He and Johnny were bill and Ben.. Classic. That cracked me up.

ho hum. Well, UCAS is done and dusted, hurrah. Even my RSAMD application is in the trustworthy (*ahem*) hands of the school.. My uni's of choice are: RSAMD, QMUC, Strathclyde and Glasgow. Although, of all, not Glasgow. It's my last choice.. cos the course isn't that good.. But oh well

mmmmm. Just ate one of the nicest things.. It's a tescos "free from" chocolate, fruit and nut crispy bar.. It was nice... crispy and chewy and scrummy..
ah, crap, I totally forgot, I have a driving lesson tomorrow after school.. Before I go up for the BONFIRE at Newport..

hmmm. What else should I ramble about.. aaah,, the bare naked ladies.. hot like wasabi when I bust rhymes just like Le-Ann rhymes.. oooooooooooooooooooh the fun.

how do you eat a satsuma? (or any orange.) I have like stages..
I take off the skin (obviously) but it never comes off in one piece.. In the process I always end up covered in orange skin juice, y'know that rally pungent stuff the spurts out and almost always gets your eyes? I love the smell of that stuff.. Anyway, once the skins off, I have to take off all the pith.. I really hate having too much pith on my fruit. I can cope with a bit.. But not too much.
eat them with raspberry yoghurt.. That's sooooooooo good. MME

oooh, guess what we did in drama today? It was sooo much fun.
Mr Dewar was inspired by the ducks that Siobhan and Suzane had for activities drama (omg, he made Riffkin stand up and apologise to the rubber ducky that he chucked [quite harshly] at Suzannes feet. He had this spiel about how he had been a "junior member of the RSPCA" and had gone round primary schools etc.. ooh, it was sooo funny :) ) and so, as part of our learning about Artaud (quite a cool guy, he was very insane) we have to make up a short piece about a ducks journey. Me, Miff, David, Tara and Chloe decide that Miff would be a duck that couldn't quack properly, we would ostracise her from the group, she would go on a journey then get befriended by a cat in ducks clothing.. The cat (me..) then ate her. With the aid of all the other cats.. It was soo much fun. We had to physicalise everything, we could make noise, but no English Language noises were allowed.. Honestly, it was amazing. I loved that. She went swimming down a river and we became the waves.. ace.. Mr D was impressed that I vocalised my imitation (for the cat) of Miffs non-quack on an internal breath.. He said it was very artaudian.. He had a whole thing called the "theatre of cruelty" which looked rockin.. He really wanted to challenge the audience, by breaking down the barriers and assaulting them with information, visualities and actions. It was immense.

oh well. I don't think I have anything else to say.. Except, I'm gonna put in the "freaky game" that I've done a coupla times.. It's quite a good one... Post your answers to it guys, I wanna see..I'll put mine up first, no worries.

Don't read ahead...Just do it in order!
It takes about three minutes.
First..Get a pen and paper.
When you actually choose names, make sure it's people you actually know and go with your first instinct. Scroll down one line at a time...And don't read ahead or you'll ruin it!
1. First, write the numbers 1 through 11 in a column.
2. Then, beside numbers 1 and 2, write down any two numbers you want.
3. Beside the 3 and 7, write down the names of members of the opposite gender.
4. Write anyone's name (like friends or family....) in the 4th, 5th, and 6th spots.
5. Write down four song titles in 8,9,10, and 11.
6. Finally, make a wish.
And now the key for the game.....
1. You must tell (the number in space 2) people about this game.
2. The person in space 3 is the one that you love.
3. The person in 7 is one you like but can't work out.
4. You care most about the person you put in 4.
5. The person you name in number 5 is the one who knows you very well.
6. The person you name in 6 is your lucky star.
7. The song in 8 is the song that matches with the person in number 3.
8. The title in 9 is the song for the person in 7
9. The tenth space is the song that tells you most about YOUR mind.
10. And 11 is the song telling you how you feel about life

The first time I...

The first time I...
pulled a guy
he left me for five years
The second time
I pulled a guy
he asked me five more times
that second time
he was never mine
his heart belonged
oh my,
the second time I pulled a guy
he was out and out
a gay man
ha, ha ha.
well, that was my attempt at writing poetry in creative writing..
hands up who thinks I should hand it in??
creative criticisms folks...

Tuesday, November 02, 2004


well, no doubt you'll all know all the rumours that hae been flying (oh, look there goes another no, no I'm not pregnant- thanks Gordon...) around since friday night..
Anyway, I don't feel like "clearing them all up" right now, well, not until I know whatthey all are.. SO, any rumours you guys have heard about anyone who was at John Cleggies on friday night, I want to know them, right here, right now. Thanks.
the fag hag (yeah, thanks guys, chris is getting all offended that he thinks im calling him a fag.. oops.)


Thursday, October 28, 2004

John Peel (1939-2004)

I just wanted to write a little post commemorating John Peel.
Because, sad though it undoubtably is, He died.
If I listened to radio 1 it was to John Peel at 11. I know Emily is going to miss her Home truths.
He made some of my favourite bands, he was the master of all music.
There aren't words to say how sorry we all must be at losing this legend of our lives. I know I haven't really had the time to appreciate his Genius.
God Bless him.
only 65.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Top Five... eventually...

Ok, since Davus posted his top five bands of all time, I've had to have a good look at all the cds in my collection and whittle them down to a select few.. Very very hard. So, I've got five categories, then I've (eventually...) chosen the best of each section.... So, here goes...


Ok, so quite an odd title for a category of cds. Yes, ok, I'll give you that, but these are all the cds that I have loved because of Emily Roff. Its all your fault!!

  • itm007 (Is This Music no.007 the cd i got free from the magazine.. oops). Not a specific band as such, but a collection of great tracks (one by a friend- well, I say friend, I think I met him all of about twice. Of mine. Ok, of Emilys- Alex.) which are all quintessentially scottish and quite fab. Makes me very nostalgic when I'm not home. Look out for tracks 1, 4 and.. well, most of them. the last one is not quite so great.. but hey.
  • Antifolk Vol 1. Alright, so again this is a compilation, but it is gorgeous. Especially Grey Revell. There just aren't words to describe how cool this cd is.
  • Belle and Sebastian. Oh my gosh, I love these guys! they are the funkiest band ever. Glasgow based, they are so sweet. The lyrics are incredible. A lot of the songs are real stream of consciousness jobs. I think I have probably rambled about tem before, but I can't remember where.. They feature on the Music for Sudan cd that was free with the Sunday Herald a few weeks back.. Although this isn't my favourite song, it has grown on me. I also love a song of theirs (which I have on vinyl) called "This is just modern rock song". "Your Cover's Blown" is a more electro type song that they usually do.. its good though. 'hey lady, put the phone, cancel all operations, tell your friends to put it, I wanna see you alone'. They are so much fun. "lay on the bed there, kissing just for practice, could we please be objective, the other boys are queueing up behind us, a hand over my mouth, a hand over the window, if i remain passive and you just want a cuddle, we should be ok, seeing other people, well at least that what we say we are doing"
  • The Gossip. They have to be my favourite punk band of all time. A lesbian singer, a straight, shy guitarist, and another (lesbian, i think...) girl on drums. Oh, they rock. "Don't make waves in the water lest you mess around and you drown its not like i coulda stopped her, cos a girl can't be tied down and i'll say it again, its like i got a hole in my pocket trying to keep you satisfied don't make waves..." "baby baby baby" Its just so much fun to listen to them. they are such an experience. I can't actually remember any of their names (except Nathan. I have an interview- that was meant to be all about the band, but ended up being about Nathan.. it was very cool anyway.) but thats not the point, oh, no, the lead singer is called Beth. (If I remember right.) Ok, NYC is a good album- its a live recording of some of their best songs. Non non non is a great song. If you really want to appreciate the fantasticness of the Gossip, go for Movement. It has better quality recordings. NYC is fun though, it has Beths dialogue with the audience, although the sound quality isn't the best ever. never mind though. "must be so hot down there, with so many bodies". oh yes, it certainly is a hot album.
  • Have you ever heard Jack Kerouacs song its about "on the road" (a fab book btw...) its quite fun.
  • Ok, this one wasn't actually an Emily influence, but because I bought her B&S which she already had, for her christmas, I had to keep it. My mum had just gone and bought that album for me for my Christmas.. So I had a problem. Anyway, I got Simon and Garfunkel for my christmas instead.. and I have to say, I really rather like it. I would definitely reccomend it. For anyone. Try out If I could, The sparrow, oh, just all of them.


These are bands that I have seen live that have been fantastic and mind-blowing and all the rest. In chronological order...

  • AFI Wow. These guys were so amazing. It was over a year ago that I saw them and they still stand out as one of the best performances I've ever seen. The power Davey had onstage... breathtaking. My favourite moment was when he was alone onstage and he was kneeling, spotlit, leant back and singing a cappella to the roof. It was incredible. I think the song was This time imperfect. It was so amazingly perfect. The albums are really good too, including classics like god called in sick today, girl's not grey, the leaving song pt1 and pt2, so many more. they might take a bit of gettng used to.. but they are so good.
  • A Perfect Circle, I saw this band (a side project of Tool man Maynard Keating) in february of this year. (the 6th to be exact.) They were ace. Maynard was in a cloth box type thing for the first song, emerging from it at the end of the song. Omg, they were incredible.
  • Living Things were the support for Melissa Auf der Maur (who had supported APC). They were insanely good. So happy and dancy and lovely and gothic. They were all slutted up in leather jackets and trousers (insanely skinny too) and looked soo good but sounded so much better. They rocked my socks that night. The album black skies in broad daylight is an immensely fantastic cd. It has songs like Bombs Below (gorgeous) and No New Jesus. I love them so much.

Easy Listening. (kinda. I couldn't think what else to call this one)

ok, well, these are some good easy to listen to, relaxing kinda cds. all two of them.

  • Bluetones I first heard them on tha show on channel four.. either Popworld or just T4 and I really liked them then. It took ages before I got the cd then I didn't like it as much. I quite love it now... this band manages to be upbeat and sad all at the same time. they discuss some totally stupid things with compplete sincerity. "its a mudslide its slipping down to cover the hillside and you can bet its going to seep into your house in through your eyes and out your dirty little mouth, its a mudslide, a mile wide, bona fide mudslide.. and the man said how'm a' gonna get my white shirt clean" They are so mad its soo good..
  • Bare Naked Ladies. I only got a BNL album recently. It rocks. I love all the well known ones one week and its all been done for example. however ther were some corkers that totally surprised me.who needs sleep being one example. Stunt is a great album I would highly recommend.
  • Ok, so I said there were two, then I thought of Badly Drawn Boy. (Note how they are all beginning with "b"...) Usually, I have to admit I'm not his biggest fan, but Mum got me the new album and its pretty good. I love Year of the Rat, New Song, countless more of them are worth a mention. its a softly spoken, beautifully written and sung album.

Ok, so heres my (almost) obligatory Christian rock section.

I decided to add this category because I have a deep love for some of this music...

  • DC Talk. These guy are great. one song on Supernatural has alot of power. its called We all wanna be loved it rocks.
  • Im getting bored of typing now. Delirious? are a cool band that have managed success in the US but not in their native britain. damn. they rock.
  • Big Tent Revival are a rather funky band. they have a song about a guitar. tee hee.
  • tree63 are just ace. they really just rock

im so tired... ok, i have an Other category.. which speaks for itself basically...


  • The Cure
  • Queen
  • my red cell if, as is most probable you haven't heard of MRC you should look them up. they are cool.
  • the Distillers. i like them. alot of people disagree.

ok. well. thats my huge list. my favourite of each are:

Belle and Sebastian (had to be really..)

A Perfect Circle ( this took a lot of thought. quite a tough decision... the 13th step is an ace album)


DC Talk


I really am too tired for this. oh well. on to Hardy. and my computer is soo screwed.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

top five (nearly)

hmm, i have nearly compiled my top five cds/ bands.. i will post it sooooooon.
ok goodnight

Friday, October 22, 2004


what do pirates go to in caaaaaaaarggghs???


uhm, so I guess if you weren't at Crazy Frase's then that meant nothing.. If you were at Frases on wed,thencheck out this site...

it will rock... i hope. no, it will. IT WILL!

soooooooooooo anyway..

Wednesday, October 20, 2004


I'm not a bushite, nor am I a Kerryite, though we did sit on the same (miniscule) plane as Kerrys sister on the way home, and roz did eat dinner with a member of Bush's cabinet...

Ho hum.. well, i gather y'all *enjoyed* the shower photos... I'll get all the other great ones up soon...

Go see Man on Fire (if you can pass for 18 *did not just advocate lawbreaking in any way*) cos it is soooooo good. You would need a heart of stone not to be moved by the closing sequences...


and again....

and again..

Its us in showers...

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

woop de doo da

Ach. I came home.
I didn't want to come home.
No offense to you guys, but I totally love my new American friends.
Why couldn't we have stayed until the end of the holidays?? I miss my american family...
Ok, sorry, now I feel bad for not caring enough about all my great scottish friends. I love you guys too!

Hmmm. well, I could go and tell you all what we did in our ten days, but that might take forever. aw, heck. who cares?

Ok, so Friday night- we arrived at Columbus airport at 7.15 (12.15 our time) and then met our new family. We all (eventually) came back to my (by my, I mean Katie Riley, my Host) house. We began watching Zoolander. I don't really think I paid attention to anything that night.. Anyway, at 10.30 we decided Ice-Cream would be good, so off we toddled for Ice-cream. Then we thought abouut playng Tig at Katies Old House. We went there and did nothing basically. But it was good.

Saturday- slept, shopped (some people went to the OSU game... the Buckeyes (OSU) lost :( *boo hoo*) and then had a thanksgiving dinner. Katie, Karen, Lisa and I all dressed up, it was so much fun. Went to Jordans house afterwards.. Didn't go to a haunted hoochie (haunted house) though we wanted to.. went home about 10ish.

Sunday- Cedar Point! So much fun, one of my all time favourite theme parks, they had rockin rides!! we were all very very tired after that so we basically went home and slept.

Monday- School, I had stuff like study etc.. I don't really remember. Oh, but we went to Chipotle (say Chi-po-le but its quite a hard sound on the "le") for lunch.. it was so good. its a Mexican grill, we had burritos and stuff.. mmmmmmm. And then we had a field trip in French, so we went to the french restuarant (la Chaintaile or something..) and had dessert. mm.

ok I really can't be bothered writing much more right now, but if I can work out how you do this, i will try to put up a picture of the whole group, from the cd Jordan gave us. (He is such a sweetie.)
Everyone at Cedar Point.

YES! It worked!!!! I'm not entirely sure how you do the writing first and the picture after, cos I had to do a wee copy paste thing, but never mind...

Friday, October 08, 2004

5 minutes and counting

i leave my house in approximately five minutes......
oooh, im sooo excited!
have fun dong whatever guys, if i have your addresses you shall recieve a postcard, otherwise.. if i'm so inclined ill write ya one and give it to you in school... but don't count on it.. see yaaaa



nope, thats not possible, *does an insane dance of glee*

adious guys!

Tuesday, October 05, 2004


for anyone who wants a neak preview of Ros' profile.. here it is, in all its 300 exactly word glory...

The most considerate, sweetest person I’ve met, although don’t be fooled by her mature exterior: Roz proved her immaturity with discussions about ponk, gnomes and shooting the art mannequin. Thanks!!
Murderous tendencies sometimes get the better of Roz, as years of plans to torture randoms will prove. Nice Warrior Guy may be flattered- Ugly Leather Guy will need years of therapy! Uber-Pea phonecalls still make me laugh, as do our rambles…
You’re a great friend, Punjabi-buddy even if you’re insane!
Someday I’ll be able to spell your name. Keep coming up with witty comments (though you secretly plan them days before) and looking more stylish than ten stylists in a phonebooth.
I’m permanently scarred by those Biology videos and miss Scary Technician. Thank God you helped at my BBQ- we still set things alight! I’m so glad I’ve gotten to know you!
With Black Tutus and winklepickers, her clothes are great, but possibly attract weirdos- even her (female) friend tried it on once. And there’s that fear of the Dutch…
We’ve been through school together and I’ve come out of it disturbed due to your Grease obsession. But I still love you.
Three years after I said, "Cool necklace" it’s like this! Our artist, forever checking whether I’ve eaten etc. Sorry for being such a pain- I love you really.
Geez, I’ve known you for 13 years, hopefully for many more. You’re my funky carpet-wearing friend, maybe one day you can slap my ass…
You’re the most fashionable of my friends! Shared passions for jewellery and hot men bonded us, and I don’t know that school would have been as fun without you. Costas has never been as good as when I discovered why you would be –and are- my best mate!

ok so its lots of people, but hey diversity rocks.....

Argh...... English english english...

can't be bothered... really really can't be bothered...
I should do english homework.. but no, I won't.

Stratford was incredible.. It was soo much fun, we straightened Riffkins hair, oh, and Mr Darges and Tom (Barbers). It was soo much fun. Classic. The plays were soo good, Hamlet was really really good, it was well interpreted and we got an interview with the Ghost the next morning. Amazing.

House of Desires was good too, although slightly overacted and at one or two points, we kinda lost the plot, but overall very good.

Just a great weekend overall.

OH! and I go to Ohio on friday!!!!! Amazing!


well, anyway. I need to go do some work.. goodbye.
and I'll be late into school tomorrow but I WILL NOT miss English, don't worry guys...

Thursday, September 30, 2004


I'm off to Stratford at the insanely early time of 6am tomorrow.. so I hope y'all have fun at school etc.. See ya monday!

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

well, lookie here

what do we have? blatant procrastination... tut tut tut...

guess what i did this evening. obviously not homework... but..
Instead, I went to the DCA and saw Pane e Tulipane (Bread and Tulips). It was classic. Tomorrow is the last day its on...
Its a great Italian film all about love and freedom and .. och, its just great. It was funny- quite blackly humourous in places, and touching too. slightly surreal, as Rosabla kept having these kind of waking dreams featuring people she knew.. oh, but it was so good.

Anyway, since I should be getting on with some drama homework, i should go go go.
Oh but i've booked a retest for my theory, its on wednesday.. at 9.30. I will do lots and lots of revision! I promise!

good night all.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004


if you type Siouxsie into google, it gives you about 15 pages before you get to this site, or if you do Siouxsie stick boy and match girl in love it gives yu this.. but my real name gives me nothing.. which is sad...

Don't Speak

I don't like tests.
I failed my driving theory. By 4 marks!!!! 4 fricking marks! I hate Hazard Perception.
ok thats all you get on that topic. NO ONE mention it. Ok maybe thats a tad extreme... Uh.. yeah. whatever.

I drove home through Dundee from the Kingsway Tescos.. Still not too hot on roundabouts, but I'm getting there.. Blimey, is getting lined up with the little boxy thingy at the bridge hard or what? at least the first time. Mum spent 15 minutes or so in a car park making me do reversing stuff. Hated that. (we were waiting to pick dad up from physio).

My mum knows what happen to Keir (when I metioned it, she suggested Circumcision... oh boy, how I laughed.. I just found some amusement in that situation, then I ws like, well, why won't he be back at school, and she said, I imagine sitting down would be quite hard.. *chuckle chuckle*) and she hasn't yet told me.. she will though...

Anyhoo. I can't be bothered doing anything else.. oh cack I have soo much homework to do before this trip.. I'm offy to Stratford on friday! Hurrah!

good even.

Monday, September 27, 2004

Ok i was going to write a nice post, but now i need to do theory. oh lordy, save me.

btw my american exchange partner made a skirt from ties!!!!!!! How cool???

Friday, September 24, 2004

ho hum

well, so much for an after show party! We loitered outside of Tescos, then by the cash machine (right acrross from Tescos) while Tom Esler showed off and bought two cans of Cronenburg or some such crap and no one else could because they were ID-ing. So insterad of going to the pub before getting the bus home, we ended up going for food (David was a-hungered) and then getting the bus home.
My god, were the neds on the bus annoying. It wouldn't have annoyed me half as much had they not been from my Primary school. Well some of them were, and some have quite obviously become little tarts. But its like, Jason Dallas-Ross shouldn't be getting drunk, hes barely out of nappies... Oh well...
Mmmm. I have reeses peanut butter cups...

For any and all who care, the play went fabulously well tonight, no prompting was needed and although it could be hard to keep the place, I think I managed admirably. Oh and Tara and I did a roaring trade in refreshments. (with a lesbian side show, dammit Gordon you missed all the fun... no, not really.And I had to type that twice because the first time, the keyboard spontaneously hit Caps Lock on the word lesbian. weird...)

Anyway. I was at a gig last night. In Fat Sams. It was good. Actually, its the first gig I have ever been to where I have been the only girl in the group. Its an odd experience... It was gonna be a big group of people going, but it ended up just Me, Iain (not the Iain previously mentioned who is going out with Jenni, thats Iain B just to avoid confusion, this is Iain Callan.. From school?? He's left to be a joiner.. anyway...) Paul (his big brother who is a nursey teacher) and Peter. So, it wascool. But its like, almost as if they were protecting me, we were constantly in a circle, or if we were in a line- to see the bands, I would be like in the middle. Until I had to move cos I couldn't see. But the first time, Paul moved too... Its such a different experience from just going with girls. Anyhoo. Yeah, that was fun.

I'm such a dunce, (wow, I got 5 new emails!!!!) I always sign into one email account (the one I have like no contacts on) and then forget I'm on it, go to see who I can chat to.. And theres NO ONE there. Huh, well, just in case you cared, the emails were pretty .. mundane. I'd read two of them already, (gill tends to send emails to ALL my accounts...) one was from My Kinda Place.. uh?? And i had one where Frase was pissed cos no one was around to witness the marvel of him having Broadband, and then there was Vicki telling us she's going to the 17th century. All in all, not very much. Oh and I had some in my junk about viagra and stuff... Fun.

Hey, does anyone keep getting lesbo porn on their G-mail account? Or is that just me??

Don't you ever wonder how they bake the cookies and the chocolate doesn't melt? .. Just me then?

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

The Gateway

yeah, so it might sound exciting... AND IT IS!!! The Gateway theatre in Edinburgh is where I mightt end up studying for four years... dum dum dummmmmm...

But anyhoo...

Yeah, I really have nothing interesting to say, except, I can Make Paper now!!!!!!!! How cool?? Oh, I forgot, you're not all weird freaks like me. Not saying you're not weird freaks, just not weird freaks like me.

Anyway. Off to read Hamlet. Joy.

Sunday, September 19, 2004


Just wondering:

Do most blokes change towards their female friends- long standing or not quite so long standing- when they get a "proper" girlfriend?
I'm only asking because it's happened a few times. The first one was a relatively slow change, but it happened all the same.
The second was a fairly minor change.. and the girl in question changed a bit as well.
The third is the one that got me thinking about this seriously, cos it was quite a drastic and unexpected change. Its weird cos we used to speak quite often on msn or by text or whatever, but now that he has this girl (who is my friend, btw, I just never really knew her that well) he doesn't really speak to me that much. And he never gave me a hug when I saw him and her the other day. Which was a little upsetting. I know it sounds totally pathetic, and insignificant, but it was really a quite big thing. We always hug, but now, because I'm just a friend and he has *commitments* I get nothing more than "bye". Sheesh.

Anyway, I guess I just wanted to know. Thats all.

Oh and is it odd to keep in touch with an ex that you meet 5 years after you've gone out with them even though you've never *technically* broken up with them? I'm just curious. Anyhoooo...

Bugger, I've done no homework this entire weekend. thats not good.

Hmm... Well, I'll get on to it at some point. Maybe.


Good night all.

Three Cheers for my Dad!!

hip hip hooray etc etc.
We've (well, he has, I watched.. not much help really) re-built the computer, finally, and so now I can get out of all the "arty" title posting. It was driving me insane. really. And I thought if I got much more insane I'd loop back to sanity. but Oh well.

Hmmm. Well, I guess I could re-do all my Year Book votes, but it's all on Mr T's site.. so I really can't be bothered.

Actually, I had a big posty thing on his site earlier so now I have nothing much else to say.... That sucks.



Well, I will think of something to talk about at some point in the not too distant future and discuss it here...

Monday, September 06, 2004

My beloved Monster and Me

Well, today was a good day, did the whole peer tutor training thing, it was really good fun.
anyway, I'm off to Glasgow for two days tomorrow morning, viewing university type things. i.e. doing lots of shopping!!!!
I'm so sure I had something to talk about.
It's quite upsetting looking at the stats for Mr.T's site compared to mine, Its like mine is older but he has SOO many more words written.. I'm quite scared. Davey too, he is either just ahead or just behind me..

ooohoo makes me wanna dance ooohoo its a new romance ooohoo I look into your eyes ooohoo best years of our lives.

Watched the original Stepford Wives on saturday... Its pretty scary. Just the thought that something like that could happen.. Its really really good, but slightly scary... Why is it in *horror* movies they all have power cuts, or parts of their houses are really dark at all the scary bits?? There was a thunder storm at the scary bit. Although, actually, the scariest sequence in the entire film is the closing one. (Sorry if you haven't seen it.) But, when they all walk through the supermarket with their trolleys and pretty clothes and greet each other pleasantly, without finding anything out about the other person, that is so creepy. It's like the are all on a big conveyor belt... creepy. Apparently the new one is supposed to be funny, whereas the old one (while being funny) was very blackly humourous.

Actually, thats another thing, she never had breasts (well, none worth speaking of) throughout the whole film, then suddenly at the end she (her robot (Sorry.)) had breasts. Ridiculous, but the husband probably specified it.

Just looking at the Sunday Times and they have a feature (in their supplement magazine) about what we teens do and why we do it, all about our drinking, sex, drugs and rock n' roll lifestyles... I've not read it yet...
But I will..
According to this, almost 40% of Scottish and English 15 yr old girls (note this is all focused on GIRLS, no guys so far...) and almost 20% of 13 yr old girls drink spirits every week- almost 10% more than guys of those ages.
Around 30% of English and Welsh 13 yr olds have been drunk two or more times.
Nearly 14% of English 11 yr old boys drink weekly, however by the age of 13 thats risen to 34%.

Blimey, thats alot of alcohol for such young people. It goes on to discuss how much drugs we take, how much sex we have and how much we all smoke.
Its quite scary. I didn't have a drink till I was at least 15. I think that was only at Christmas too.

I really don't get the whole going out to get drunk and have lots of sex and get stoned out your head so you can't remember anything the next day. Thats so not how I have fun.

But anyway, I should go and write a CV so that I can persuade places tht they really want to employ me.... They really really do....

Sunday, September 05, 2004


Guess what I found out today?
Sorry to be depressive (again) and all...
Anyway, Nickys headstone went up on thursday.
There has to be poetic justice or something in that.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

oo la la

Today was a little trippy.. Went to the Glenrothes Careers Convention (that reminds me, I need to get a RSAMD prospectus.. excuse me..) Ok. well, the careers convention wasn't much different to the one we had at school some time ago... but, hey, it was a skive...

I got back to school in time for fourth Period- which meant STUDY!!! So, Jen and I wandered around town, posting letters and the like.

Then after lunch (with Frase, he came back again!!) we had creative writing. Which was interesting as we were listening to music that had memories or connections for our teacher. This was all peachy keen, I was enjoying recognising (or not) some of the songs she played. Fine, until we got to the last song. Coldplay, Trouble. She had to go and add that song to her list. She introduced it saying about how Nicky had chosen it to play at her funeral. From the word go, ie her first mention of Nicky, my hands were shaking. By the time we got past the intro, to the first verse, I was crying. Tears running down my cheeks and a runny nose and all. not a pretty sight. I just couldn't help it. It was beyond my control.

She let us go to the toilet or whatever after that, we were due a break, so I just bombed it out of the classroom, then heard Jen running up behind me. Even after nearly 7 months of no Nicky, its very hard to take. Very very hard.

I even sat on the bus with a lump in my throat, my hands shook for at least the first twenty minutes of the last period of CW.

These things just remind you of how vulnerable we all are. The mortality of us.

ok. I should go.
Good day to you all.

Sunday, August 29, 2004

ooh the glory days

I was walking into my kitchen today, past the cork board that hangs on the side wall, facing you as you enter the kitchen, and I saw, as I do every time I walk into the kitchen the fading photograph from the local newspaper that my mum stuck up when I was beginning primary One. Sitting next to me (I'm in a nice tunic type dress that was oh so fashionable in P1) is our very own Mr. T. Sporting beautiful big (white framed? That's how they look in the photo) glasses. Oh, the joys of P1. Sam Neilson has krinkly bunches in. David, always the teachers pet (er...) is standing right next to Mrs I-can't-quite-remember-her-name. David Lindsey also looks fresh-faced and ready for the challenges of primary. Oh, the fun.

I remember me and David (L) used to go to his house and hide in his shed and play with chemistry sets, setting things on fire and stuff.. It was soo much fun. He had (has?) a big fat cat, she was really old.

oh, my gosh, I remember one time I was at Davids house and we were in the bathroom, we'd locked ourselves in cos we were doing something daft and trying to get away from his mum (who is very nice, as is his dad, when he speaks) and we found, in one of the little cupboards his bathroom had, some disposable razors. Being as we were, young, and curious we decided to try shaving what little hair there was on our legs. My leg was fine, only a tiny wee cut that hardly bled, but when we got to Davids (dry shaving you understand) we decided to go for the knee area... Bad idea. We managed to cut his knee, a fairly shallow cut, but it bled SOOO much. We were really freaked, but decided to try and clean it by running his leg under the tap... Did that help? No. We eventually had to go out and tell his mum... Which wasn't as bad as expected...

Och. I haven't seen David in ages. Bumped into him and his mum in Tescos after work one day, but that was a while ago. Its a shame.

I always did have odd friends. Even though I was in the *popular* group at primary, I still hung out with the not-so-popular people, like David Lindsey.

I wonder if he still remembers our after school escapades.... We *broke* into his neighbours garden a few times...

Anyway, all this reminiscing was brought on by me actually Looking at the cork board.
I should keep this stuff to myself really shouldn't I?
Ohh, I made good progress on my script for Drama this weekend. I now have 6 pages of script. That's quite a lot for three days work, and most of it was just writing, it came pretty easily. I'm quite pleased with what I've done. I even wrote my MER (sucks) essay. Dull, dull, dull. And I started my Celestina essay. Oh the productiveness of my weekend.

My dad got West Wing series 1&2 the complete box sets off eBay recently, so we need to start watching them....

G'night for now.

Thursday, August 26, 2004


fuggery fuggery fuggery

Why oh why can I not have normal friendships??

OOOOH. I had another driving lesson today. That was fun. Apparently, I will be ready to sit my test in ten to eleven weeks. How scary is that???


Thats all.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004


Turning through sick lullabies, but that's just the price I pay.

I saw Celestina last night. It was fairly good, not nearly as bloody as we all expected. For all the Celestina was stabbed 30 odd times there was no actual blood. Or even fake blood... Odd... It was good though. Although Parmeno did (unfortunately) get an erection after he'd finished having sex with Areusa. Which was amusing. He was only in small y-front type underwear... Anyway, he got nude onstage, then Calisto at the end got naked. Completely butt naked. He had a bigger knob. People were discussing this on the bus home, so I just thought I would inform y'all. Sorry for any innocent minds...

Oh, Mr T, no, the theatre wasn't in a red light area, but much use of red lighting (the other predominant colour was green) and smoke was deployed throughout the play...

I think I got stung on the eye by a wasp today. It flew into my eye and then went away, but my eye was really stingy and tingly and sore for about 20 minutes after. Not my actual eyeball but my eyelids. hmmm. Oh well, It doesn't hurt now...

Seriously advise against doing Higher MER just because of the sheer annoyingness of Ecosystems. Our biology dep't is seriously unfortunate, it's realy warm and stuffy and determined to make you fall asleep. And I spend the entire of tuesday afternoon in there.... It SUCKS!

Was quite annoyed at several of my friends today. Just didn't feel like talking t o them and then there was stupidity over where we sat. I mean for *expletives that I don't use anymore* sake why don't we just sit on a *grr* picnic table. We can all get around it and talk and aren't sperated by the width of the walkway bit of the Quad where no-one talks across the *division*. Just because some-*grr*-one doesn't like *grr* picnic tables in the middle of the Quad. For *grr*s sake we are the *grr* SIXTH years! Its our RIGHTFUL PLACE! ! Sorry. I just didn't want to talk to some people earlier. I still don't really want to speak to them.

I should go get something to eat.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

I feel a little sick

Have been listening to the Scissor Sisters continuously all weekend and they are now ingrained onto my brain.....
which, in some respects is good, but again can be annoying. Although the lyric titling this post is particularly apt because I am feeling a little sick. Ate some flapjack today, which was mighty good, but then I thought, ooh, I feel slightly queasy each time I eat this.. Oh, well, if I'm going to be ill I may as well be really ill. I now regret this stupid decision as I have to go the theatre tomorrow. Hmm. Don't really want to puke all night.

Anyway. I'm sure everyone waned to know my eating habits....... I'm really making use of these new funky keyboard shortcuts. Can you tell??

cos I'm mr brightside.

I don't really get those lyrics, you're mr brightside even though the girl you love is going off with some other bloke and having casual sex?? (I had to retype the extra "l" that I had missed in "really" three times before I realised that I needed to press the "insert" button in order for the "l" to show... How dumb??)

Anyhoooooo. Really sick of doing that drama homework I have. It just got dull after a while. I think I've pretty much done it, but I really didn't feel like it... Although Celestina is quite a good play, I would quite reccomend it. However, I don't think it is in print.. We had to get the cast copy from the Edinburgh festival... But, it is on for another two days at the Kings Theatre, Edinburgh. Directed by Calixto Bieito. Who, so I've been told, is very controversial, subversive, etc etc. Celestina is supposed to have full frontal male nudity, sex scenes and lots of blood. Well, the two main characters are supposed to have sex, almost everyone dies, Celestina is murdered with at least 30 stab wounds.. This is all described in the text. Not sure where the male nudity comes in, unless it is Parmeno and Areusa... Hmmm. He is promised her by Celestina... They are also described as having sex. Or it could be Sempronio. (Who is in love with Celestina's whore, Elicia. Elicia calls Celestina 'Mother' as do many other people.) Or indeed Calisto, the main lover. He is infatuated with Melibea. She hated him, then, after being bewitched by a spell of Celestina's, she falls madly in love. Hmm, I guess we'll just have to wait and see...

leave your number on the locker and I'll give you a call. Hey shut up, hey shut up, yeah. Leave you legacy in gold on the plaques that line the wall. Hey shut up, hey shut up, yeah. In a car with a girl, promise me she's not your world, cos Andy you're a star, in nobodies eyes but mine.
(The Killers, Andy, You're A Star Hot Fuss 2004)

Well, I don't think I have anything else (or did I at all...??) of value to say, so I will leave now....

Good day.

Friday, August 20, 2004

Who would fair better in the German Pastry Industry, Jesus, or the Buddha?

Ok, this is not my work, and I have to give credit where it is due. Jennifer Gracie wrote this incredible *ahem* essay.. Its been on my wall for a while.. Unfortunately, I can't reproduce the pictures decorating the page...

The German Pastry Industry is an extremely competitive marketplace, who would fair better in this environment; Jesus Christ [Superstar!!!] or Shakyamuni Buddha?

Firstly, the argument for Jesus Christ [Superstar!!!]. Well, we know he'd do well in the short term; the feeding of the 5,000 showed he is capable of mass production quickly. However we don't know the quality of the loaves and the fishes! Also he is likely to be Crucified at the age of 30 and when resurrected (for a short time, before ascention) may not be entirely interested in making danishes.

So, we come to Siddartha Gotama. He may not be so good for the pastry industry, considering pastries to be a pleasure, however he may continue to make them out through compassion for others. Not as good in the short term for production (he isn't capable of such mass production as Jesus), but consistent as he'll keep coming back. (Unless you're a Theravadan Buddhist, in which case he's in Parinibbana and not too interested in you or your pastries.)

So, basically, I'd go with Ganesh.
Elephants are great at making pastries.

well, that was the product of either a period of bored study or history. Take your pick.
Any names you don't get, just ask. Mike, if you read this, you should know all the names, YOU TOOK HIGHER RMPS and you DIDN'T fail. As far as I know.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

now i understand

I'm listening to a cd I've not listened to in ages. In fact I've not listened to it since I was *going out* with a guy. Not in a good way. But thats all over, so its ok, but some of the songs remind me of him. Even though I only saw him twice. I used to put lyrics in the subject lines of E:mails... As you can probably guess, most of them were from songs on this album. That and some of the lyrics just remind me of that period of my life. Which I don't really want to remember right now. I guess the answer is to change the cd.. But another song, by the Killers (who I hadn't heard of *then*) reminded me of it too... The song is called "smile like you mean it" and the lyrics go "...And someone will drive her around / Down the same streets that I did / On the same streets that I did..." I don't why that specifically reminded me of him, except I thought, the other day as I was driving through Tayport, out towards St Andrews, "oh, *** drove me home this way once." Stupid really, cos it wasn't like we were really *involved* or anything, we just had coffee once and went to the cinema. And he was far too old. shit why am I talking about this now? I said nothing here at the time, when No-one read my blog. Well, no-one I knew, and now, when people can leave their mark I choose to regurgitate this crap. Fabbydoosey.

Its Indie rock'n'roll for me. Its all I need.
Smile like you mean it.

Anyway. I've just bared a part of my *torrid* past for those who fancy perusing it. I told two people the whole thing at camp. It was the first time I ever talked about it.. But my friend at camp was in a similar situation, so it helped her, which, I guess, is why I told them. I didn't know why at the time.

I don't have anything else to say about it, just, don't get involved with older guys. Thats my pearl of wisdom. I know what happened (that I've revealed) doesn't sound like much, but...

ha. well, I've never since managed to use up all my free minutes from late night phone calls. Or over run my text allowance by nearly 100 texts.

shoot, I feel kinda ill now. But that could just have been the oats earlier. I can't eat Gluten, but I'm doing an Oats test, so I had some oat cakes earlier. They weren't bad.

everything will be alright...

Saturday, August 14, 2004


man of my dreams...
well, not of mine, he's not my type, but of Christinas dreams, sure.

Hmmmm. well, I really really should go to bed, cos I was absolutely knackered today, traipsing round Glasgow for several hours with a man in a kilt, for no real reason. Well, there was a reason for the kilt, but apart from that...

Oh cack, I was going to phone Adam again tonight. I did try earlier, but he was busy or whatever, he didn't answer his phone. Or reply to my text. Cheeky boy.

Hmmmmmmmm. tee hee. We stole Iains sunglasses....

I'm tired and I probably amn't making much sense. I got pretty shoes for school though.. Mary Jane Dr Martens. They are nice..... Ho hum.

ooook. I will go to my beddy-byes now.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004


well, well, well.

How do you all do?

I got my results the other day, dum dum dum....
usually the postman is a bit late, cos on monday he'd not come till like 9.30, but yesterday he was there at 8.50!! Which was incredible. It meant I got to open them before going along to Holiday Club. So that was cool.

oh, I guess some might want to know what I got??
ok, well....
English A; thought I would maybe get this, but I was unsure, cos the exam had been quite hard....
Maths B; totally never thought I would get this one. Was thinking I might have failed, and hoping for a C, even though Dr Waterstone (human, only just.... speaks vulcan or something.... rather worrying...) thought I was A material. I so wasn't...
Chemistry B; Hmmmm.... well, I spent the whole year getting Cs and I was predicted at C level, but, HOORAY! I did some revision... Don't even know why I took Chemistry, I really don't need it... At All!
RMPS A; I was definitely predicted this, but I was kinda worried, cos I didn't think that the paper had been that good.. I didn't like the questions!
And now, my favourite subject, and the one I really REALLy wanted to do well in,
Drama........................A!!!!; I was well impressed, cos that mean't I did really really well in my acting too!!!! sooooo HAPPY!!!!

Anyway.. thats the stress off, I can enjoy my last week of freedom. Which means that I will do lots of driving around with my dad. I'm really liking learning to drive, its good fun.....

My friend went to India on saturday, he's doing a six month thing, which is really cool, i'm totally wishing him the very best.. good on ya Hamish!

Got back from Holiday on saturday. Was in Dumfries and Galloway for a week with my family and best (well, one of) friend. it was nice, relaxing. Made a big change from camp. We had a week at camp, at Lendrick Muir, my parents ran it, and it was hectic, but it was fantastic fun. It really was an incredible week, we all felt sooo much closer to God especially from having to rely on him at times, and looking to his grace to guide us through the difficult logistical obstacles.


Ahh, only an hour til Sex and the City. but really, i shouldn't stay up, cos I have done like every other night and i've regretted it.... hmmm. what a quandry....

ok, well, im signing off now......

Good night..

Sunday, August 08, 2004


will this work... well, anyway i got this for a quiz. im too tired to make sense right now, good day.

?? Which Angel Or Demon Are You ??
brought to you by

Wednesday, July 21, 2004


Argh, ok i have like two minutes to write something........
wooooooo, this has changed... i like it!! its all neeew!!
hhmmm. hmmm. oh, btw Mr T, just so you know, its not like that betwixt (not used that one in a while..) me and David (the biroman reference in my previous blog- he was the one with htat name. Biroman is not david, he is in fact, Andrew, ie the Ex... sheesh, this is confusing. Oh and David is NOT david Bruce, however much fun it would be to throw him into the mix.....). just so you know...
Hmmmm. well, i watched Edward Scissorhands (again) last night. Its still suuuuch a good movie.
OOOh! and i got Black Books series 2 on DVD. Classic stuff, had me chortling heartily away at the tv screen. well, actually, i laughed harder than "chortle" conveys. it weas more of a belly-ache-making laugh. Literally hurt my sides and face....
Anyway. I guess i should toddle off and do the dishwasher... wail moan.

Monday, July 12, 2004

Follow your eyes.

Well, Well, Well.

I'm currently conversing insanely with my friends from Camp!

Davids Online name is "Suzi 4 BIROMAN, BIROMAN, BIROMAN (love you too suzi)".... huh, well, I could get annoyed at that... but I'm in a mellow mood, so I think I'll just let it go....

ARGH!!!!!!!! I'm insanely Bored! I have to entertain myself for another coupla hours til we go out for tea.... GGGAAARGH!!!

Sunday, July 11, 2004


Toniiiiiiiiiiiiiight. crucify the incest here toniiiiiight.

I'm listening to the Smasing Pumpkins right now. Could you tell???

Once again I am ill, but this time it is not a foreign cold, but a cough/cold thing that I brought upon myself by walking in my pajamas from the outside showers with wet hair at a quarter to seven in the morning, when it is fairly chilly, every day for a week. So I guess, this time I deserve it!

Anyway. I'm BORED! No-one to talk to.

Toodle pip.

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Aah, Its good to be home.

Well, hellloooooo.
I am finally back from my week long Drama Camp, which was Fantastic!! Actually, it was rather odd in some ways as it was the last year that Fiona and Kenny would be there. Fiona being the Team Leader and Kenny just a random leader. Oh and then there were all the other people that were new, and one old "friend" that I had not expected to see. but more on him later.

The camp itself was fantastic, it was a Christian camp. I know some people will be like "eh, why go on a God camp?" but I am a Christian so its important to me. Anyway, it was all just amazing, so many strong supportive people there.

Ok, so I guess you want the "Gossip" then? Not the band, obviously, although that would be cool.... Well, anyway, i went out with this guy, Andrew, about 5 years ago, and we hadn't seen each other since then, and then, suddenly, up he pops as a leader at the camp! How weird! Anyway, I didn't even notice until like the evening, although he looked slightly familiar... Neither of us mentioned it (to the other) till about halfway through the week, but its all cool now. Although my *friend* Adam took every opportunity to rip it out of me for having gone out with him. he's a really sweet guy, if a little odd.... But thats all to the good.

There were a coupla points were I just really felt like crap, we had the talk about Death on wednesday night and I just ended up in tears by about halfway through, but I was determined to stay.
Just before the end I had to leave, and so did Adam and Christina (she was ok quicker). Adam and I walked and talked and cried and it got a bit better. I talked to Andy too, and that was good. If you wanna know Why I would cry, go to the post entitled "cry your life away" in the archives for o3/21/2004-


Friday, July 02, 2004


It has been decreed; Everyone in this fair world shall now use the critically acclaimed new words as invented by Lou and Siouxsie.
These are:




Go out and spread the Groovy words around. Also, the resurection of "Groovy" is high on the list. SO USE IT!!


Hmm, well, that was my first driving lesson. Thank the heavens its over!! I don't think I did too badly, the car is in no way damaged at the moment...

Anyway, my Birthday was ACE! The best so far! I got some FAB presents! I need to go out and invest in NICE coloured card. I love card. Its scary, and an obssesion, but I do. I'm sorry if no one understands the Paper loving thing, but honestly, getting good quality paper and card and bits and bobs to make cards and stuff with is the best feeling ever. Ooooh!!

where do all the daed boys go? no solution just bombs below.

Living Things are incredible, you wouldn't think that they would have anything profound to say (this is just anouther punk rock band springs to mind) but actually they are really really good, and some of the lyrics are so powerful. Incredible really.

I was watching "Imagine... Unsuitable for Children?" the programme that was on on wednesday night about childrens books, and it was really good. Some of the poiunts it raised were totally ridiculous, but it also drew my attention to a number of books that I want to read, ie, Shadowmancer (my sister has that somewhere), Maus (its a comic style book about a real Auschwitz experience!!), Doing It (Melvin Burgess, need I say more), uhh. I think there were more

Anyway, I'm off.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Theres nothing left of you

Well, my Dad was in fine spirits when we saw him. except for wearing odd stocking things..... Ho hum.

Can you tell that I'm incredibly bored and actually have nothing to say...??

I should go write a big fun email.... uuuh. maybe later.

Wanna go for a ride?

It's my Birthday tomorrow! in like 3 hours and 50 minutes! wooo! I think I might go to be early tonight. Actually I am knackered. Didn't get to sleep til after Midnight last night. Tea happened at 11.40 after a bus journey home.

Nearly fell asleep in MER today. The biology rooms are so warm. Almost fell asleep then last week too....!!

och well, goodnight.

I don't wanna be a rock star anymore

drunk and I'm watching TV and I'm thinking, I don't wanna be a rock star anymore.

Sorry, momentary outpouring of song. It's been going around my head most of this afternoon, through my visit to the Optician (oh, joy!) and on the bus, competing with the music I was ACTUALLY listening to.

Oh honey.

I went see Vincent in Brixton and its FAB!!!!


I have to go and see my Dad cos he's in hospital after having an operation for a slipped disc.

Monday, June 28, 2004

ooooh cack...

Was just attempting to build the polystyrene plane that Emily bought me as part of my birthday present, and I broke the nose.... It's actually alot harder to build than it looks. Emily, I'm really sorry I broke the plane. It was lovely. And the CD is pretty cool, even the obscene song (called Mozzarella Swastikas, by Adam Green) is not too bad. Oh, I'm copying the Smashing Pumpkins onto my computer, They are really good. And, the new Cure album is out, also, A Perfect Circle's albums (The Thirteenth Step and Mer De Noms are on sale in Virgin... so I might have to go buy.... yayayaya!!) One song on "call it what you want This Is Antifolk" has this lyric, "I don't have anything in common with todays radio, I don't have anything in common with todays radio. Its just a bunch of dance routines dressed up in designer clothes... mr Dj man is on an ice cream stand, pushing cool candies goods to the media, kids... oh, give me a band, rock and roll jam, underground, radio" its by Derek Richmond (song is called Honeycream Robots). Such a good song.

Ho hum. I was thinking about this (don't ask me why, am I likely to have a rational answer to anything?) and all my Blogs are like "stream of consciousness" ones, whereas my esteemed friend, Mr.T the Messiahs are more ordered, they generally have a theme and talks about the theme. I can never get my head into gear about "themes" for more than about two sentences before i lose focus and go off on a complete tangent. Hopeless really. Anyway, I'm off to the theatre tonight, to see "Vincent in Brixton" AND (the icing on th cake this..) we get our seats for FREE!!! And we get to talk to the director beforehand as well, so, cool!!!!!

Anyway, i actually need to go get a bus if I am to go to the theatre tonight (ooh, and my Tea!!)

Saturday, June 26, 2004


argh. It's miserable weather outside, and I have the cold. But.. not just any cold, a GERMAN cold. Therefore, I need German drugs to combat this cold. (the germans have lots of much stronger drugs) but i am having to make do with echinacea (yike) and vitamin c effervesnt tablets, beechams flu plus (which btw are crap, just go for paracetamol for the pain (if any) and like a sinutab or possibly sudafed for any congestion and sinus pressure. all the flu plus caps have is paracetamol, a bit of caffeine (to ensure they are non drowsy and to perk you up) and a fairly mild decongestant.) Anyway, I did try some german medicine, they had this tablet that was meant to dissolve under your tongue to relieve a sore throat (which is how this whole fiasco started... well, it was really Ross snottering in my hair and giving me his german cold that started it, but whos going to quibble?) but, it didn't dissolve, i had to swallow the damn pill, and it didn't even blimmin work!!! so now, i am using tissues like they are going out of fashion, and just generally not having a working voice... argh!
oh and yesterday Alex both threatened and then followed through on her threat by emailing my english teacher a link to this stupid story i wrote that i started in like fourth year and just eventually finished. its all a load of rubbish, yet alex just thought she would go tell him that. fab, thanks alex. if you want to read the unfortunate story its on here: along with some other (slightly- but only just) less embarrassing crap.
argh. ok, off to do more baking for my birthday party tomorrow. I'll be 17 on wednesday!!!!!! wooooo! go driving!

Friday, June 25, 2004

whatever i do is never enough

oh, don't you just love the cure? one more time to do it up, one more time to kill. the only thing i have ever killed (except for bugs and stuff) is a fish this one time while i was on holiday, it was great fun, apart from the whole murdering of the fish. oh well. how you move and burst from clouds it makes me want to try. when i see you sticky as lips, licky as chips. i missed (again) Sports day. i don't think i've been in a couple of years... oh well. we went to Ros' house which was fun. it was just me, ros and jen, then frase, tara, alex, lou and sarah came to join in the fun. fun, fun, gun. word association games are fun! oooh, i got a drum for my birthday, thanks to fraser (thanks!!) who brought it back from Amsterdam for me! its so col, its made from bamboo and half a coconut and goats skin.....
i got a letter from the school for my parents the other morning inviting them to the awards ceremony, cos i won the RMPS and Drama awards. well, merit certificates!! I'm quite impressed with myself. also i have Hardy to read by monday. not the entire book obviously, but the first chapter, i might read more, you never know... oooh, must go make Brownies, mum and dad have a team meeting tomorrow and i said i would make some. will make more for my party on sunday tomorrow. argh need to tidy my room. someti,mes its a real bugger having friends, some of them just don't do you any good. good friends are excellent, but then you get some that sap your energy and don't do you any good. in general my friends are excellent. in general.
i don't believe its for real so kiss me quick
and i must go. goodbye.

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Memoirs of a madman

Memoirs of a madman
this is my friends site..... here will be the remainder of our story...
hmm, well, i was going to think of something really deep and thought provoking to say, but now i really just cant. im sorry. oooh and if Mike gets his arse in gear, we might have another posty person on my blogger, but then, we might not.
my father is in hospital right now, he has another slipped disk (they think) it happened 9 years ago and now it has recurred. i made my mum spend £120 on a tesco shop yesterday. not entirely sure what on... also i think i owe my parents money.... that often happens. hummm.
anyway. i can't really think of anything to say. really don't know who (if anyone) reads this. at all. if ever. hrrrum.

KA-BLOEY!! pt 1

Running was his only plan, running, running, RUNNING!
Ever since his days in the national worldwide arm wrestling school for boarders had ended. The school hadn't been his favourite place recently. He didn’t much care for its city either – Connecticut always smelled a bit.

His legs were taking over from his arms now, thank God for those steroids- although those had ultimately been the cause of his downfall and expulsion from the aforementioned school. The train was surprisingly cheap. For a stowaway…

Stowing away was rather uncomfy, but it had got him to his final destination – “Ferret Island”, so named for the ferrets that ran rampant, terrifying the rabbits which feared for their tiny little, but very sexually active lives.

As the young boy ran, he remembered his Arm-Wrestling nickname: Duncan McPennis. Not as flashy as Hulk Hogan, but it worked. As he daydreamed, he failed to notice the plane that was hurtling along the skyline, heading straight towards the randy ferret settlement.


The plane landed with an almighty BANG! The ferrets scarpered, the surly ones died and left the incredibly randy rabbit population to its copulation.

A dazed and bewildered Rock Star, as yet unnamed, and his friendly cat wandered out from amidst the wreckage. The radiated wreckage. After walking approximately four steps from the trees, the unlucky Rocker promptly collapsed. The crash proved, sadly, to be fatal.

But the cat however…

The cat gave a slightly sardonic sigh to no one in particular, and muttered to itself,
“Oh, what a lovely day for a plane crash”, before stretching out and beginning to lick its paws.

“WHAT THE HELL???” Duncan yelled, upon hearing the crash.

The poor Rock Star was glowing an interesting shade of neon green…

to be continued....
to finish reading the story, go to

this was a creative work by the joint forces of Suzi, Gordon and Alex. thanks to Creative Writing classes!!

Friday, June 11, 2004


hmm, well, germans scare me!
andf yet, i am going to their country! I'm sure it will all be fantastic, but its kinda scary to have to be going with ross (the molester) (seriously, he CANNOT be gay, its just an excuse so he can slap girls butts and say "its ok, im gay!" argh!) and all these (new) fifth years and some sixth that i don't realy know/particularly get on with... ARGH!! It'll be fine... It'll be good. argh,
OOOHhhh but i get to go to Ohio in october.... hurray!

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

teenage heartbreak of a 17yr old (well, nearly) miscreant.

oh how sad are unrequited crushes at this age?
you're heart breaks over some randome 'dude' that is probably not nearly good enough for you, but still, the fact that they never glance your way (they have no idea you exist of course)kills you every time you remember.
then again, falling in lust with someoone you know is even worse. especiall when you basically admit and they go and tell everyonre that they fancy some other girl that you know well, and even though you wish the best it still hurts. he even seemed to flirt with you before he found out. its the worst thing with being a teenager. you still have to be their friend. cos you don't want to lose his friendship as well as the possibilty of a requited crush.
then you get all the goss from her. you're hapy they're happy, but inside you just want to cry.
teenage years suck sometimes.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

questions in standard grade physics

my sister is doing s grade physics and has my books from when i did s grade physics (last year. worst class ever) on the desk. they are distracting me from doing more useful things. like blogging... or.... revising, i guess.
when will you realise that it doesn't pay to be smarter than teachers, smarter than most boys? shut your mouth, start kicking the football, bang on the teeth you're off for a week. antony it could be worse, antony it could be worse. they call you lord antony but hey it could be worse, it kinda suits you anyway. (Belle and Sebastion, "lord antony", if you're feeling sinister)


frogs are interesting creatures.

...................................i wish i was a jellyfish. my friend has a "song" about wishing she was a jellyfish. i don't remember most of it. its only like two lines, but becomes incredibly annoying....

only 45 minutes till ER. i should be doing chemistry. jeez i'm sad aren't i??

".... and thats why i think there should be a nobel prize for wrestling."

only one more year of high school. then out to the big bad world. i'm not sure i'm ready. then again, i'm not sure it's ready.

Monday, May 24, 2004

Die die my darling

its an invasion of the chemistry freaks................ which you will gather means i have done nooooooo revision. not even for drama. oh cack........... i really really should go do something, but talking about doing it here is so much more fun than actually doing it......
but hey, its over a week til my exams anyway...... no worries....!!
other peoples blogs are so much better than mine. not that im getting blog envy or anything....
i have become addicted to 60minute makeover. its on at 1 every week day on channel 3. its good. very distracting from work......
i have to train my replacement at work.
i think i said that already.
or was it somewhere else?
hmmm. ok i am going to gooo away and doo some revision. even if that just means watching the crucible and taking notes on direction....

Monday, May 17, 2004

the link I inserted into that last blog...

did not appear to work.... hopefully it will here well, it wont, but it can be found at
also i have a band website which can be found at
stupid blogger wont publish links......
hope those work!

Friday, May 14, 2004

Well hello

hello hello hello
It's been a while...
I've just made brownies........ mmm. they smell good.
had my English exam today. that wasn't fun. I don't think I did as well as I could have on my Othello essay, but hey, at least I tried......
Grrrr. RMPS revision to do........ Buddhism, Humanism vs Christianity and War and Peace to do. (not the blimmin huge book, I'm incredibly glad to say.) But it is an interesting subject, even if the revision sucks.
Can't believe they just deleted this entire post. I had to rewrite. sucks.
All new blogger!! How exciting!!
Oooh, I have a website!!
soooo, I guess if boredom strikes (unless you were bored, why would you read this??) go check it out!
well, toodle pip.
I believe my brownies are calling me..........soooo nearly cooked.. but scrummy looking al the same.....

Wednesday, March 31, 2004


argh! my media player wont play, so im on the computer with nothing to listen to except the crappy sounds made by aim or msn. it Sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

cry your life away

i felt like utter crap yesterday. like something the cat had thoroughly chewed up, swallowed and then hacked up again before dragging in. one of my best friends, well actually she was more like a sister, well anyway, she had cf all her life and she wasn't doing too great, but she had surgery on sunday night in the hdu and everyonr thought she was doing ok, they were talking about taking her back to the normal ward, and then she died. she had chest infection and her immune system just wasn't up to the stress that last infection put on her. oh god. shes actually gone. i really can't believe that i will never see her lovely happy smiling face again. she was the best person i knew. i mean ok she liked all the stupid stuff all teenagers liked, but she wasn't cynical or horrid, she was just lovely and happy and brave and perfect. in so many ways she was exactly the same as everyone else, but fate dealt her a hand that said, ok you can have cf and arthritis and this and that and just about every bleeding thing in the medical journal this year, and you can die befoe your sixteenth birthday, and she said, fine, bring it on, but im going to be happy and smily and just the greatest, funniest, most annoyingly cheerful person. even when everyone else is crying im goin to cheer them up and look for the happiness in everything,but not in a sickening pollyanna type way, in a slightly disparaging, gossipy, confidential way. oh and im going to know everything thats going on. all the time.

and now shes gone. forever. all we have are our memories. until heaven......
so long.

Sunday, March 21, 2004

a fire i can warm my hands, my joy will be complete.

well, happy mothers day! and happy birthday to my mum!
it must be great to have one day of the year when everyone buys you a gift or a noice card and is nice to you, and that day isn't your birthday. but then again being your birthday too would mean that everyone was twice as nice! well, hopefully!
I got a free book in the post the other day. it was a thankyou for running a group in school, one that i and hamish run. anyway, we both recieved books entitled "Teenagers; why do they do that?". i though that was pretty hilarious, i mean i guess i should know better than some old guy why i do what i do. but apparently not. it's quite an interesting read, the author talks alot about like determinism and naturalism and stuff, which generally, unless the reader had done some philosophy or religious analysis, or something, they really wouldn't get very easily. thankfully, higher rmps has prepared me a bit for it. i understood most of what he talked about. which was quite impressive for me.......!
Anyway. im on a hook. smell that cook, uhhuh. im your dream digger.
My dad has been out sailing in his new boat. i guess he had lots of fun.

Oh. oh. oh. my study window is so cool, you can sit at the desk and watch everyone going past. you can see everyone. its on the main road so you can just sit and watch cars all day. its great.

um. i'm bored now. oh well.

Saturday, March 20, 2004

I'm falling down

aaah. The fabby world of amateur dramatics, or in school dramatics where you get to get sloshed on stage! Well, if you're David or Clea. My character (naturally) doesn't touch a single drop of champagne..........
ho hum.
right I'm off.

Thursday, March 18, 2004

you're just a poor misguided fool.

did you know that the ancient neanderthalian people who (obviusly) rode around on dinosaurs used carrots tied to sticks to make their dinosaurs run faster? no? well, according to volvic mineral water (which today really does taste just exactly the same as tap water) they invented this method a wee while before any modern day bright sparks thought of it.
don't you know you've got your daddy's eyes and daddy was an alcoholic.
anyway, i should go do some (grrrr) homework.

Monday, March 15, 2004

but i could easily overpower you

hello there!

Saturday, March 13, 2004


all ants. i have an important annoncement concerning the wellbeing of small creatures. please be kind.