Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Theres nothing left of you

Well, my Dad was in fine spirits when we saw him. except for wearing odd stocking things..... Ho hum.

Can you tell that I'm incredibly bored and actually have nothing to say...??

I should go write a big fun email.... uuuh. maybe later.

Wanna go for a ride?

It's my Birthday tomorrow! in like 3 hours and 50 minutes! wooo! I think I might go to be early tonight. Actually I am knackered. Didn't get to sleep til after Midnight last night. Tea happened at 11.40 after a bus journey home.

Nearly fell asleep in MER today. The biology rooms are so warm. Almost fell asleep then last week too....!!

och well, goodnight.

I don't wanna be a rock star anymore

drunk and I'm watching TV and I'm thinking, I don't wanna be a rock star anymore.

Sorry, momentary outpouring of song. It's been going around my head most of this afternoon, through my visit to the Optician (oh, joy!) and on the bus, competing with the music I was ACTUALLY listening to.

Oh honey.

I went see Vincent in Brixton and its FAB!!!!


I have to go and see my Dad cos he's in hospital after having an operation for a slipped disc.

Monday, June 28, 2004

ooooh cack...

Was just attempting to build the polystyrene plane that Emily bought me as part of my birthday present, and I broke the nose.... It's actually alot harder to build than it looks. Emily, I'm really sorry I broke the plane. It was lovely. And the CD is pretty cool, even the obscene song (called Mozzarella Swastikas, by Adam Green) is not too bad. Oh, I'm copying the Smashing Pumpkins onto my computer, They are really good. And, the new Cure album is out, also, A Perfect Circle's albums (The Thirteenth Step and Mer De Noms are on sale in Virgin... so I might have to go buy.... yayayaya!!) One song on "call it what you want This Is Antifolk" has this lyric, "I don't have anything in common with todays radio, I don't have anything in common with todays radio. Its just a bunch of dance routines dressed up in designer clothes... mr Dj man is on an ice cream stand, pushing cool candies goods to the media, kids... oh, give me a band, rock and roll jam, underground, radio" its by Derek Richmond (song is called Honeycream Robots). Such a good song.

Ho hum. I was thinking about this (don't ask me why, am I likely to have a rational answer to anything?) and all my Blogs are like "stream of consciousness" ones, whereas my esteemed friend, Mr.T the Messiahs are more ordered, they generally have a theme and talks about the theme. I can never get my head into gear about "themes" for more than about two sentences before i lose focus and go off on a complete tangent. Hopeless really. Anyway, I'm off to the theatre tonight, to see "Vincent in Brixton" AND (the icing on th cake this..) we get our seats for FREE!!! And we get to talk to the director beforehand as well, so, cool!!!!!

Anyway, i actually need to go get a bus if I am to go to the theatre tonight (ooh, and my Tea!!)

Saturday, June 26, 2004


argh. It's miserable weather outside, and I have the cold. But.. not just any cold, a GERMAN cold. Therefore, I need German drugs to combat this cold. (the germans have lots of much stronger drugs) but i am having to make do with echinacea (yike) and vitamin c effervesnt tablets, beechams flu plus (which btw are crap, just go for paracetamol for the pain (if any) and like a sinutab or possibly sudafed for any congestion and sinus pressure. all the flu plus caps have is paracetamol, a bit of caffeine (to ensure they are non drowsy and to perk you up) and a fairly mild decongestant.) Anyway, I did try some german medicine, they had this tablet that was meant to dissolve under your tongue to relieve a sore throat (which is how this whole fiasco started... well, it was really Ross snottering in my hair and giving me his german cold that started it, but whos going to quibble?) but, it didn't dissolve, i had to swallow the damn pill, and it didn't even blimmin work!!! so now, i am using tissues like they are going out of fashion, and just generally not having a working voice... argh!
oh and yesterday Alex both threatened and then followed through on her threat by emailing my english teacher a link to this stupid story i wrote that i started in like fourth year and just eventually finished. its all a load of rubbish, yet alex just thought she would go tell him that. fab, thanks alex. if you want to read the unfortunate story its on here: www.fictionpress.com/~suzibean along with some other (slightly- but only just) less embarrassing crap.
argh. ok, off to do more baking for my birthday party tomorrow. I'll be 17 on wednesday!!!!!! wooooo! go driving!

Friday, June 25, 2004

whatever i do is never enough

oh, don't you just love the cure? one more time to do it up, one more time to kill. the only thing i have ever killed (except for bugs and stuff) is a fish this one time while i was on holiday, it was great fun, apart from the whole murdering of the fish. oh well. how you move and burst from clouds it makes me want to try. when i see you sticky as lips, licky as chips. i missed (again) Sports day. i don't think i've been in a couple of years... oh well. we went to Ros' house which was fun. it was just me, ros and jen, then frase, tara, alex, lou and sarah came to join in the fun. fun, fun, gun. word association games are fun! oooh, i got a drum for my birthday, thanks to fraser (thanks!!) who brought it back from Amsterdam for me! its so col, its made from bamboo and half a coconut and goats skin.....
i got a letter from the school for my parents the other morning inviting them to the awards ceremony, cos i won the RMPS and Drama awards. well, merit certificates!! I'm quite impressed with myself. also i have Hardy to read by monday. not the entire book obviously, but the first chapter, i might read more, you never know... oooh, must go make Brownies, mum and dad have a team meeting tomorrow and i said i would make some. will make more for my party on sunday tomorrow. argh need to tidy my room. someti,mes its a real bugger having friends, some of them just don't do you any good. good friends are excellent, but then you get some that sap your energy and don't do you any good. in general my friends are excellent. in general.
i don't believe its for real so kiss me quick
and i must go. goodbye.

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Memoirs of a madman

Memoirs of a madman
this is my friends site..... here will be the remainder of our story...
hmm, well, i was going to think of something really deep and thought provoking to say, but now i really just cant. im sorry. oooh and if Mike gets his arse in gear, we might have another posty person on my blogger, but then, we might not.
my father is in hospital right now, he has another slipped disk (they think) it happened 9 years ago and now it has recurred. i made my mum spend £120 on a tesco shop yesterday. not entirely sure what on... also i think i owe my parents money.... that often happens. hummm.
anyway. i can't really think of anything to say. really don't know who (if anyone) reads this. at all. if ever. hrrrum.

KA-BLOEY!! pt 1

Running was his only plan, running, running, RUNNING!
Ever since his days in the national worldwide arm wrestling school for boarders had ended. The school hadn't been his favourite place recently. He didn’t much care for its city either – Connecticut always smelled a bit.

His legs were taking over from his arms now, thank God for those steroids- although those had ultimately been the cause of his downfall and expulsion from the aforementioned school. The train was surprisingly cheap. For a stowaway…

Stowing away was rather uncomfy, but it had got him to his final destination – “Ferret Island”, so named for the ferrets that ran rampant, terrifying the rabbits which feared for their tiny little, but very sexually active lives.

As the young boy ran, he remembered his Arm-Wrestling nickname: Duncan McPennis. Not as flashy as Hulk Hogan, but it worked. As he daydreamed, he failed to notice the plane that was hurtling along the skyline, heading straight towards the randy ferret settlement.


The plane landed with an almighty BANG! The ferrets scarpered, the surly ones died and left the incredibly randy rabbit population to its copulation.

A dazed and bewildered Rock Star, as yet unnamed, and his friendly cat wandered out from amidst the wreckage. The radiated wreckage. After walking approximately four steps from the trees, the unlucky Rocker promptly collapsed. The crash proved, sadly, to be fatal.

But the cat however…

The cat gave a slightly sardonic sigh to no one in particular, and muttered to itself,
“Oh, what a lovely day for a plane crash”, before stretching out and beginning to lick its paws.

“WHAT THE HELL???” Duncan yelled, upon hearing the crash.

The poor Rock Star was glowing an interesting shade of neon green…

to be continued....
to finish reading the story, go to http://madmanmemoirs.blogspot.com

this was a creative work by the joint forces of Suzi, Gordon and Alex. thanks to Creative Writing classes!!

Friday, June 11, 2004


hmm, well, germans scare me!
andf yet, i am going to their country! I'm sure it will all be fantastic, but its kinda scary to have to be going with ross (the molester) (seriously, he CANNOT be gay, its just an excuse so he can slap girls butts and say "its ok, im gay!" argh!) and all these (new) fifth years and some sixth that i don't realy know/particularly get on with... ARGH!! It'll be fine... It'll be good. argh,
OOOHhhh but i get to go to Ohio in october.... hurray!

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

teenage heartbreak of a 17yr old (well, nearly) miscreant.

oh how sad are unrequited crushes at this age?
you're heart breaks over some randome 'dude' that is probably not nearly good enough for you, but still, the fact that they never glance your way (they have no idea you exist of course)kills you every time you remember.
then again, falling in lust with someoone you know is even worse. especiall when you basically admit and they go and tell everyonre that they fancy some other girl that you know well, and even though you wish the best it still hurts. he even seemed to flirt with you before he found out. its the worst thing with being a teenager. you still have to be their friend. cos you don't want to lose his friendship as well as the possibilty of a requited crush.
then you get all the goss from her. you're hapy they're happy, but inside you just want to cry.
teenage years suck sometimes.