Friday, October 28, 2005

with my own two hands


so i had a fun day yesterday, i spent alot of it inside, either at the theatre (work) or at the cinema- which was great fun...

I've now seen Nanny McPhee, which is pretty class and Wallace and Gromit.. I'm so happy!!

Anyway, so, my mum was in the paper with Sir Cliff.. She went to london a couple of weeks ago to meet him, as he is a big cheese in tearfund, and sge was one of only twenty selected reps from the UK that got to see him. ONe of only three in scotland!! so i think she had fun..

anyway, think thats most of my news for just now...

Saturday, October 22, 2005

i'm sleeping with fishes here

in the belly of the whale

I'm a bit annoyed. I was all set (sorta) to go out tonight, like after work and all, but then i ended up coming home and feeling disconnected from my friends. why?


Sunday, October 16, 2005


I love hugs

i don't know why i thought that would be interesting.

i also love the rain. most of the time. except when its crap rain.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

I'm already here

Well today was nice. I had to work which was fine, hey its money and I did two pick ups, which effectively means two hours extra paid work, for about ten minutes worth of work in total. it rocks. haven't yet had a paycheck, but thats ok.

uhm.. I saw Jak, it was his birthday and I had totally forgotten, but it was ok, Dave reminded me and i gave him a big hug. so that was nice. i don't think i have anything interesting to say.

I could, I suppose, tell you all about the rubbish two days i had this week, where i was really upset for no apparent reason, but really, other than what i've just saidd, ther's not much to tell.

it'd be nice to get more phonecalls, btw. I actually love talking on the phone more than i thought i did. I might try and figure out this o2 thing where, by topping up by £15 instead of ten every month you get all these free calls as well... would be rather groovy...

anyway, i should go, i rather feel like a cup of tea and a read before bed...
so night night. xx


Yeah, I really was excited.... I got to buy a sandwich from starbucks!!!! Its amazing!! they actually do Gluten-free sandwiches! And damn tasty they are too!

also, i just spent an hour on the phone with Bob. It was fun.


Thursday, October 06, 2005

ok, so its 12.04

and i'm in from being out.
yeah, that was helpful, wasn't it??
well, i was at an el dog gig in beanscene, cos Bob phoned me up to see if i wanted to come. Bob being one quarter (well, a half tonight) of the band. so I went, and they were good.
so, anyway, the rest of my day was good too... I had drama this morning (theme:colours) and I got to play lots of fun drama type games. then we had community studies, and boy, even this module sounds like fun. We have to go out into communities and analyse them, talk to folk and get an idea of how these communities function and knit together. so its sounding more interesting than previously it had.
the lecturer is also a total dude. He's 64 and retired on friday. but has come back to teach us and the second years. he's quite funny, but a bit of an oddball too.

uhm.. ok, so, that was most of my day in a nutshell for you. I dunno if i did anything really exciting other than these things (which i could go into more detail about, but will leave for right now.) today.

oh, but bob does crazy dancing too. i've found a soulmate :> heh heh.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I saw the lollipop man

howdy doody.

well, today we had music for the first time and it was really great. we learnt some funky african songs and it all sounded really ace.

Roz came up on saturday, which was really really good fun, we went to the GUU to see ben which was ok. then we went to Strath union, where there was a beach party, which was great fun eventually. Chakka Demus and the Pliers was fun...

uhm, i don't think i have anything else really really exciting to say. if something exciting h appens.. i'll let you all know!! at any rate, i will definitely be in edinburgh this weekend!