Tuesday, February 22, 2005

The Mardi Gras

I thought I should do a post about this.. Its going to be pretty abstract, but hell.

Anyway, so yes, we went to the Mardi and it was fun.

So, as a social experiment:

How many guys will try to chat up/dance in a suggestive manner/make fierce eye contact with a normal looking girl (ie me). Answer?

Well, chatting up in the mardi really isn't an option, its more hollering over the music which is no fun, so, the first one is discounted, but otherwise I had at least four guys try to dance with me.

If a shortarse asian guy (absolutely nothing against asians, ok?) with a big black leather jacket comes up behind you and starts basically grinding, what would you do?

a) dance with him, hell, it could be fun.
b) realise you're getting stubble rash on your shoulder, tell him to f off and walk away.
c) turn round, smack him one and then walk out.

well, obviously, I was b, but how funny would it have been to smack him.. oh wow.

Anyway, so the Mardi was ace fun, I'm thinking of going again.

btw southern comfort and lemonade is soooooooooo the best drink ever!!
or apple sours. mmmmmmmmmmm.

Damn, this was going to be more interesting.

well, have you ever wondered why so many people get together at pubs and clubs just to get drunk and try to find some random to spend the night with? Its really quite sad, all these people looking for love, just won't find it one a sticky dance floor.
mmmmmmmmm. dry crunchy nut cornflakes. I love these things, even without milk they taste damn good.

right i'm going to leave now.

Sob. The saddest day of my life.

The Americans left on Sunday. I was upset, truly, truly upset.

It was soo much fun. We had the most excellent time and I think I got to know a lot of them a whole lot better.

Anyway, so, that was a very very sad day, and I will get around to writing about the insanely fun things we did, bt not right now. Right now, I have to say, I am rather happy. I passed my driving test yesterday (w00t!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and so I can now officially drive! ALSO! I got an unconditional offer from strathclyde, which is totally where I want to go. I do kinda want to go to the RSAMD, but thats still to happen, my audition is on the 18th of March. not long though.. so I need to prepare.

Anyhoo... Now that y'all know my exciting news, I will leave since I can't think of any topics to amuse you with.

Uhrm. right, yeah, no, thats me.

Friday, February 11, 2005

a virtual quagmire

really and truly.

well, anyway, so i had two choices for last night (technically i suppose i had three, but the last one meant that i was a boring fart, so, we'll discount that right now.) the first being camping with Gordo, Davey, Chloe, Keir, Conor et al. I was all up for this, until mum stamped on my fire. or whatever. Anyway, i wasn't allowed to go in caes i got hypothermia or something. well, it was a nice dream for a while.

My second option (and the one i ultimately went for, as the first option wasn't really an option anymore) was to go to my "other Dave"'s house for a partay.

so.. that conundrum occupied me for a while. In the end Daves was really good fun, we watched alladin at 1 in the morning. twas ACE! yeah, ok so im sad.

Anyway, I'm expecting full updates from my camping friends as to what happened.. who scared who, how many "ereotic" novella's were virtually written.. all that jazz.

yup.. good times.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

its a quiz..

but a totally random one. no jokes. totally random.

so yeah.

I made a Quiz for you! Take my Quiz! and then Check out the Scoreboard!

A bone of contention.

Actually, its nothing so harsh or remonstrative as that.

Anyway, I had an interesting weekend. Work sucked, as it is apt to do. I got to sleep at 1 on saturday night and then woke up at 8. with an even worse cold that I had been expecting.

On the plus side, I got to drive Mums new car several times. That was fun. And watch Big Fish, with John, Hairy Johnny, Dave and Jen. actually, no one really watched it so much as talked through it and then questioned me as to what was happening. If Johnny starts moving closer, clo-o-oser to you, be scared. he probably fancies you. I had to hide in a plant at one point to move away. Not that I don't like him or anything, I was just little unnerved.. Well, anyway.

So yah, I'm kinda dead.

I was informed today that I am not allowed to wear my jeans to my interview because they aren't smart enough.. It's a DRAMA course. It's all about how individual and creative you are, not how well you can wear suits. But I'm getting a pair of Black jeans instead, which is a good compromise I feel. Teamed with a nice shirt, a vest top, several badges and a smart jacket. (Jackets are my downfall.. I have a total weakness for them.. I love them!! But I don't have what I would really really like: a good suit jacket. I've hankered after one of them for AGES!)

So, anyway. I think thats a fair update on my life so far.

Katie comes in SIX DAYS!!!!!!

yes, that SIX (6!) days! be prepared for the utter hyperness..