Thursday, July 27, 2006

I'm in love...

.. with 'firefly'.
it's fluffin amazin'!
I sat for 6 hours straight watching the first two disks and only stopped cos it was past 2am and i decided i wanted to save some for the next day...
flip, it was awesome!
when's season two out???
c'mon firefly!!! :)

Monday, July 17, 2006

when it rains it pours

and it has certainly been pouring in my flat recently.
the ceiling has caved in in part of debbies room, as a result of a leak from upstairs... so that was really fun to have to deal with, more so because i was shattered from camp and just wanted to sleep... but hey, it's done now.

was at camp last week, it was good, challenging, exhausting, but good. i learnt alot from some of the campers, and hopefully they learnt something too.
I got to make a felt scarf, which was awesome, it was really realy good fun!

uhm, so this has been a short update, but i really need to shower and take the dog out for a walk and then do some work- i have two weeks left to finish organising myself for cooking at camp. yeeesh.