Saturday, October 14, 2006

my life... is a mess

i am in NY right now. in the youth hostel we're staying at, having just seen RENT (amazing by the way) which my sister paid for, on the internet (which my sister paid for) with a new bag at my feet (which my sister paid for) sensing a theme here?

I've gotta make a call to the consulate soon (which my sister'll pay for) because i got my bag stolen yesterday. yes, thats right, within an hour of being in this fair city, i got my bag (passport, visa, drivers license, bus pass, ipod and all) stolen. the police her are very nice though, even though i did keep crying at them.. and am blatantly a tourist.

well, whats done is done, i can replace all that stuff, its not that big a deal, it just sucks. i have another day and a half here, so i'll still enjoy myself. though i am soooo tired....

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