Monday, November 19, 2007

i'm being seduced

by wordpress.. it does look exciting.. but i feel like i'd be breaking up a long standing friendship were i to move... like divorce almost. i've had this baby four years (?) now. and i have an oversized blogger jumper too. hmm...

other than that, lots of good things about today, i had fun at placement, drank lots of tea.. mmmm.. yum. and talked to mocha, the cutest dog ever. got a fair bit of play writing done- 7pages and counting.. woohoo!! only another 50 or 60 to go. not much really.. ha ha ha. !!

in other news, i went to church twice yesterday and actually went forward for prayer both times. good experiences. reminds me why i should go up more often and really why i should make friends with more of the pastoral team.. not that i don't love all my other friends.. its just funny the way some people immediately get to really know the leaders of a church and others don't... anyhoo...

thats all for now i think.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wordpress is beautiful :-)

but yes, it is initially like getting a divorce. though then its much better.

that now sounds like im condoning divorce. only blog-divorce.

Sunday was good :)